Trailer Trash

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  • Agent86
    Secret Agent
    • Aug 2006
    • 36

    Trailer Trash

    You know you're really trailer trash when...

    The Halloween pumpkin on your front porch has more teeth than your spouse.

    You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the table in front of her kids.

    You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

    You think a woman who is "out of your league" bowls on a different night.

    Jack Daniel's makes your list of "Most Admired People."

    You think Genitalia is an Italian airline.

    You wonder how gas stations keep their restrooms so clean.

    Someone in your family died right after saying "Hey, y'all watch this!"

    Your Junior / Senior prom had a daycare.

    You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.

    The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas is in it.

    Ya' can't git married to yer sweetheart 'cause there's a dang law against it.

    You think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.

    Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.

    Missed it by that much.
  • CMB
    KonicaMinolta Tech.

    250+ Posts
    • Mar 2005
    • 458

    not funny picking on poor folks.
    Lewis Digital
    630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
    Telephone: 850.222.4418

    Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12


    • Dusterman
      • Mar 2005
      • 23


      It's all good ..................
      There are those amoungst us who think that being poor is a malidy.
      I was brought up by a single mother in the 50's and we always ..... always never had more than what it took to eat or to wear ......... ever !
      We ate the guvment surplus peanut butter , beef and ham .......... I grew up learning that if I need something that I needed to go out and get it .... I learned that the guvment and the rich were only out for themselves ..... no matter which church they belonged to...... BTW ..... my aunt [ bless her departed soul ] was one of the first lady ministers in the Four Square Church .........
      So now ............
      When I hear a "poor boy joke" ......... I don't get mad or self-righteous about those that have never been poor .......... I pity them for not knowing how to survive if our world as we know it came to a screeching halt ........I feel sorry for them that they will never know the real caring and sharing of good nieghbors , friends and family ......... they may never know true hunger or want .......... but without knowing that ........ they will never know the true meaning of fullfilled or complete .
      I'm proud that I have made a little bit of something outta myself ........ and even continue to learn something new .........almost everyday.........
      An "old boy" told me one time ........... learn something new everyday and it will be a good day .......... but if ....... someone ever says they know it all ............ run ...... run very far and very fast ......... away from this person .......... they are a liar !
      CMB ......... when you go to church .......... I assume you go to church ........ do you do what you preach and take a "poor boy or family" under your wing and teach them and help them .......... I truely hope so ....
      Agent 86 ...... hopefully you too will teach others that are less fortunate than you, not all "poor folk" are dumb and/or lazy ........ some do not have the opportunities that you have had .
      As always ...................
      Keep on ...............
      Keepin on ...............................


      • Jbtech
        • Jan 2007
        • 11

        Jeeze folks lighten up it was a joke, I often muse when Looking out the window of my apartment and noticing the Gun shop, pawn shop and Bar that I may just be a redneck


        • Ctl-Alt-Del
          Trusted Tech

          Site Contributor
          250+ Posts
          • Jul 2006
          • 431

          Originally posted by Jbtech
          Jeeze folks lighten up it was a joke, I often muse when Looking out the window of my apartment and noticing the Gun shop, pawn shop and Bar that I may just be a redneck
          I am a redneck and I liked it.

          Jeff Foxworthy once said, "If your home is mobile, and the four cars on your front lawn ain't, you might be a redneck".
          Last edited by Ctl-Alt-Del; 03-06-2007, 05:28 AM.


          • Dusterman
            • Mar 2005
            • 23


            I know it was a joke ...................
            You know it was a joke .................
            I just felt that someone ........... didn't appreciate the humor and needed to be .......... ed u ma cate d ................
            Yes it was humorous and I did laugh at it ................
            So .............
            are we all ................. gooo oood now ?
            Time to go ..................
            gitter dun .........................


            • CMB
              KonicaMinolta Tech.

              250+ Posts
              • Mar 2005
              • 458

              yes i do go to church. and you know what the sermon was about? picking on the poor and less fortunate ones. for most of us to show a little commpassion. i used to laugh at those jokes, some i still do, i just try to ignore them now because most are not really jokes-they are the truth.

              redneck. do ya'll even know what a redneck is? some folks try and call me a redneck, but i'm not. i'm country, but i am not a farmer. redneck is slang for farmer. so next time you are sitting at the table stuffing your piehole with meat and taters-thank a redneck.
              Lewis Digital
              630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
              Telephone: 850.222.4418

              Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12


              • Dusterman
                • Mar 2005
                • 23

                It's all good ...............

                I am very pleased to know that we have solved the worlds problems here


                • Jbtech
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 11

                  actually webster's defines redneck as a "working class southern white" so I guess that would be me as well as you.

                  I'm not sure what church you go to but whatever church it is they ought to teach you about tolerance for other people's opinions oor fialing that to keep your own narrow minded sermons to yourself.

                  Your "holier than thou" atttitude is positively nauseating

                  Get a sense of humor or better yet just shut up


                  • Dusterman
                    • Mar 2005
                    • 23


                    Me ...................


                    • CMB
                      KonicaMinolta Tech.

                      250+ Posts
                      • Mar 2005
                      • 458

                      Originally posted by Jbtech
                      actually webster's defines redneck as a "working class southern white" so I guess that would be me as well as you.

                      I'm not sure what church you go to but whatever church it is they ought to teach you about tolerance for other people's opinions oor fialing that to keep your own narrow minded sermons to yourself.

                      Your "holier than thou" atttitude is positively nauseating

                      Get a sense of humor or better yet just shut up
                      look here college boy. your dictionary is wrong unles you are reading one of those politicaly correct bullshit dictionaries. i know what a redneck is. almost my entire family are farmers somewhere. and i am by no means a city boy. and i will not shut up!
                      Lewis Digital
                      630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
                      Telephone: 850.222.4418

                      Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12


                      • CMB
                        KonicaMinolta Tech.

                        250+ Posts
                        • Mar 2005
                        • 458

                        5 results for: redneck
                        View results from: Dictionary | Thesaurus | Encyclopedia | All Reference | the Web
               Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
                        /ˈrɛdˌnɛk/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[red-nek]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA PronunciationInformal: Often Disparaging. uneducated white farm laborer, esp. from the South. 2.a bigot or reactionary, esp. from the rural working class. 3.Also, red-necked. narrow, prejudiced, or reactionary: a redneck attitude.
                        Also, red-neck.Americanism; red1 + neck]

                        American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source (rěd'něk') Pronunciation Key
                        n. Offensive Slang
                        1. Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
                        2. A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude.

                        (Download Now or Buy the Book) Online Etymology Dictionary - Cite This Source

                        "cracker," 1893; attested 1830 in more specialized sense ("This may be ascribed to the Red Necks, a name bestowed upon the Presbyterians in Fayetteville," from Ann Royall, "Southern Tour I," p.148). According to various theories, red perhaps from anger, or from pellagra, but most likely from mule farmers' outdoors labor in the sun, wearing a shirt and straw hat, with the neck exposed.

                        WordNet - Cite This Source redneck
                        nouna poor white person in the southern United States
                        American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source

                        A slang term, usually for a rural white southerner who is politically conservative, racist, and a religious fundamentalist (see fundamentalism). This term is generally considered offensive. It originated in reference to agricultural workers, alluding to how the back of a person's neck will be burned by the sun if he works long hours in the fields.

                        [Chapter:] Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology
                        Lewis Digital
                        630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
                        Telephone: 850.222.4418

                        Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12


                        • Jbtech
                          • Jan 2007
                          • 11

                          Interesting that you claim not to be a redneck, use "college boy" as a disparaging remark (as if education is harmful and negative) and then post several cut and pastes about how redneck means "bigoted", I believe your dixie is showing there.

                          "It is better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"


                          • CMB
                            KonicaMinolta Tech.

                            250+ Posts
                            • Mar 2005
                            • 458

                            CHARLIE DANIELS FOR PRESIDENT

                            I ain't nothin' but a simple man
                            They call me a redneck I reckon that I am
                            But there's things going on
                            That make me mad down to the core.

                            I have to work like a dog to make ends meet
                            There's crooked politicians and crime in the street
                            And I'm madder'n hell and I ain't gonna take it no more.

                            We tell our kids to just say no
                            Then some panty waist judge lets a drug dealer go
                            Slaps him on the wrist and then he turns him back out on the town.

                            Now if I had my way with people sellin' dope
                            I'd take a big tall tree and a short piece of rope
                            I'd hang 'em up high and let 'em swing 'til the sun goes down

                            Well, you know what's wrong with the world today
                            People done gone and put their Bible's away
                            They're living by the law of the jungle not the law of the land
                            The good book says it so I know it's the truth
                            An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth
                            You better watch where you go and remember where you been
                            That's the way I see it I'm a Simple Man.

                            Now I'm the kinda man that'd not harm a mouse
                            But if I catch somebody breakin in my house
                            I've got twelve guage shotgun waiting on the other side

                            So don't go pushing me against my will
                            I don't want to have to fight you but I dern sure will
                            So if you don't want trouble then you'd better just pass me on by

                            As far as I'm concerned there ain't no excuse
                            For the raping and the killing and the child abuse
                            And I've got a way to put an end to all that mess

                            Just take them rascals out in the swamp
                            Put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump
                            Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest

                            You know what's wrong with the world today
                            People done gone and put their Bible's away
                            They're living by the law of the jungle not the law of the land
                            The Good Book says it so I know it's the truth
                            An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth
                            You better watch where you go and remember where you been
                            That's the way I see it I'm a Simple Man

                            NUFF SAID
                            Lewis Digital
                            630-1 Capital Circle N.E. | Tallahassee, FL 32301
                            Telephone: 850.222.4418

                            Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. 1 Peter 2:12


                            • Agent86
                              Secret Agent
                              • Aug 2006
                              • 36

                              Wow, I really started a shit-storm with this one.

                              Missed it by that much.

