A long time ago when I worked in a factory they started drug testing. The people selling the testing told the factory how it would make them safer and more productive. Bullshit. As a mid level manager I watched the test do nothing more than run off my good employees. You see in this rough enviroment I worked in, the boys who smoked pot were the ones who knew their job, showed up every day on time and preformed. Most of whom I considered sorry employees, could pass the piss test and you could not get rid of them. The good ones who would fail the test did not care, as they wound up getting better jobs most of the time. Since pot is the only thing that stays in your system for more than 3 days I saw crack heads pass and get hired and then turn back into a crackhead.
Where I work now does not piss test as we are evaluated on our performance. I was working on a copier in a drug test lab, and saw an employee of one of my competitors sitting and waiting to take a test. He told me he had worked for them for 14 years. I was amazed. I could not believe
that a small family business would have the need to random test its employees. You would think that you would know your employee after that long. My boss does not care what we do in our spare time, we are rated by what we do. How about you? What does your company do?
The company that I worked for when drug testing started, closed its biggest plant and moved the operation to Mexico, where it it legal to smoke pot. So much for pot being a safety risk in a factory.
Almost every person I knew that flunked the test, kept smoking and got better jobs.
How important is testing , or is it a big waste of time, I vote for the latter. I would much rather work with someone who smokes pot than someone who is trying to slowly drink himself to death. I do not think the alcoholics know how bad they smell the next day sweating it out.
Where I work now does not piss test as we are evaluated on our performance. I was working on a copier in a drug test lab, and saw an employee of one of my competitors sitting and waiting to take a test. He told me he had worked for them for 14 years. I was amazed. I could not believe
that a small family business would have the need to random test its employees. You would think that you would know your employee after that long. My boss does not care what we do in our spare time, we are rated by what we do. How about you? What does your company do?
The company that I worked for when drug testing started, closed its biggest plant and moved the operation to Mexico, where it it legal to smoke pot. So much for pot being a safety risk in a factory.
Almost every person I knew that flunked the test, kept smoking and got better jobs.
How important is testing , or is it a big waste of time, I vote for the latter. I would much rather work with someone who smokes pot than someone who is trying to slowly drink himself to death. I do not think the alcoholics know how bad they smell the next day sweating it out.