Test Copies... What is your personal best.

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  • fixthecopier

    2,500+ Posts
    • Apr 2008
    • 4714

    Test Copies... What is your personal best.

    I was thinking about this as I was on a callback because it was still jamming. Well it did not jam yesterday and it did not jam today when I made 300 test copies. I was remembering the most I ever ran. It was about 6 or 7 years ago. I had a Minolta Di 520 and every time they would call to say it was jamming, I would show up and run 500 to 1000 copies. They would still bitch and complain that it jammed all the time. The Master Sargent in charge was a real dick. I waited one day til he left for lunch, whet in the room and filled the machine and put in test mode and let it go. A couple hours later when he returned, I has stacked 4,600 test copies beside the machine, nonstop without a jam. It did not matter to him, within seconds we were nose to nose going at each other. He was insisting he was going to get the machine replaced and I said he was not. Well I never replaced the machine until the contract changed and when he got his 7272 he was happy and smiling every time I saw him. Have any of you ran as much or more to prove a machine works?
    The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking
  • OMD-227

    ooooohhh yeah.... All the time.

    On any High-end mono, I always run at least 300x double side pages, spilt amongst all the trays & finisher options.
    On any color machine, I run at least 100-150 the same... split over all trays & options.

    Run those off while writing up paperwork/history card/job data. Leave a few nice testchart images & hi-res picture files I've got to show the client that it works great. Sometimes, they even hang the pictures around the office to brighten the place up.

    Run as many as you can, especially color. You know why.


    • D_L_P
      Self Employed

      1,000+ Posts
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      Nope, that's gotta be a record in my book. The most I've ran were a little more than 2,000. But customers like that seem to be getting more numerous every year. The "Give me a new copier" crowd, all because it jams once or twice in 10k.

      I had one customer that complained about CONSTANTLY JAMMING. There would be 2 or 3 jams in a row at the finisher entrance, then it would run fine for thousands of copies. I could never get it to jam and had swapped the finisher,bridge unit and adjusted the alignment to perfection. Still kept calling for CONSTANTLY JAMMING, even though there were only 2 or 3 jams logged. I finally just sat there and ran copies for about an hour and a half. It was into the 5th ream when I found the problem. Someone came up to make copies with a huge stack of files in tow. I stopped the copier so they could use it and she set that huge stack right on top of the finisher......After a few questions I found out the jamming was just related to these 2 people who always had a huge stack to copy. I told them they needed a desk or shelf near the copier so the finisher wasn't used as one.

      I'm curious how everyone here handles those "1 jam in 10k is unacceptable" customers???

      ........besides telling them to buy a Canon ;D


      • ZOOTECH
        Senior member of CRS

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        Originally posted by wazza
        ooooohhh yeah.... All the time.

        On any High-end mono, I always run at least 300x double side pages, spilt amongst all the trays & finisher options.
        Geez, wazza, it's almost time to do a PM with that many test copies.
        "You can't trust your eyes, if your mind is out of focus" --


        • OMD-227

          I'm talking about Hercules machines mostly PWT. They need that sort of treatment!
          Besides, proof that the machine is working flawlessly prevents alot of recalls. If the client sees that many pages without any problems, they have a sense of feeling that the job has been done properly, exactly like Fixthecopier said.
          Plus, I can leave site with a good knowledge that there 'shouldnt' be any problems for a while.


          • ZOOTECH
            Senior member of CRS

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            Originally posted by wazza
            I'm talking about Hercules machines mostly PWT. They need that sort of treatment!
            Besides, proof that the machine is working flawlessly prevents alot of recalls. If the client sees that many pages without any problems, they have a sense of feeling that the job has been done properly, exactly like Fixthecopier said.
            I knew it was the Hercules and that's why you are the BAT.
            "You can't trust your eyes, if your mind is out of focus" --


            • OMD-227

              Originally posted by ZOOTECH
              I knew it was the Hercules and that's why you are the BAT.
              OK, You've got me there............ whats BAT? I probably should know this I've got a feeling.


              • fixthecopier
                ALIEN OVERLORD

                2,500+ Posts
                • Apr 2008
                • 4714

                The 1 in 10,000 jam?
                When I first started in my first year I had one of those.
                The pair of Di 520's sat side by side . The caller said jams all the time. Each machine had about 50,000 on them and a grand total of 5 jams on each. I cleaned all the rollers and told the customer I did a PM. The guy in charge was a total ass and he expected results. He called back a month later with 2 more jams. I did same thing and humored him. He became a great customer for the next 6 years he was there, buying a lot of printers from me. That building to this day is my very best customer.
                The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


                • ZOOTECH
                  Senior member of CRS

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                  Originally posted by wazza
                  OK, You've got me there............ whats BAT? I probably should know this I've got a feeling.
                  Remember, I was unsure about your user name wazza, I didn't know if it is Aussie slang for Bad Ass Tech or what.
                  "You can't trust your eyes, if your mind is out of focus" --


                  • OMD-227

                    BAT indeeeeed!


                    • blackcat4866
                      Master Of The Obvious

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                      I'll usually ask such customer to save up a whopper of a job, then I be onsite to see it run. The longest was a Mita DC5585 that ran 5000 without a hitch. He was quite irritated by my suggestion that the proper loading of the paper is quite important. It was hilarious watching the agitated customer turn various colors of red and purple as the machine just ran & ran & ran, and I kept feeding it. He never did call back for that "constantly jamming" again, especially since I could say exactly how many actual jams there had been. =^..^=
                      If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                      1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                      2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                      3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                      4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                      5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                      blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                      • ToshibaTech
                        Senior Tech

                        500+ Posts
                        • Apr 2007
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                        Oh yes the classic "well of course it is not going to jam while you're standing here" as the machine pumps out copy after copy without a hitch. Or the "this thing jams every 10 copies" which some how is not supported by my jam history showing nothing of the like.
                        I will not give you service manuals or firmware.


                        • zed255
                          How'd ya manage that?

                          1,000+ Posts
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 1025

                          I had a client switch from an old analog Lanier 6765 to a Ricoh Aficio 650 when they first came out. The client called to bitch that the bypass jammed 'everytime' they went to use it. Unknown to them the digital machines count everything and I was able to produce a printed report showing only one jam had occurred. Never had an issue after that with BS jamm calls with that client. The log data from the SMC is a useful tool for taking a customer down a peg or two.

                          Most test copies? 3000ish duplexed, customers job, just watched to verify I had truly solved the issue.


                          • OMD-227

                            Originally posted by zed255
                            The client called to bitch that the bypass jammed 'everytime' they went to use it. Unknown to them the digital machines count everything and I was able to produce a printed report showing only one jam had occurred.
                            Maybe she just liked having you around............??


                            • TonerMunkeh
                              Professional Moron

                              2,500+ Posts
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 3873

                              When doing test copies I do the same as previous posts, obviously within the limits of the machine. Starting up from the Stella, maybe 50. Kir / Russian, a hundred. Adonis/Alex, 300. If I have a problematic Martini to deal with, usually a couple of thousand go through it before I'm totally happy. I normally ask customers for anything they use on a regular basis, i.e. fax headers. I normally ask for any stapled sets as well, you can't test a machine enough really. It could jam as you're pulling out of the car park and you'd get a repeat. I always fill the trays and check the toner bottle to see if it's nearly empty, if it is, change it. Two minute checks save recalls!
                              It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

                              Hit it.

