This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

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  • fixthecopier

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    This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

    Edit International - Xerox Helped Win The Cold War
    The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking
  • Hansoon
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    Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

    Very interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

    " Sent from my Intel 80286 using MS-DOS 2.0 "


    • Zeldaman
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      • blackcat4866
        Master Of The Obvious

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        Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

        Interesting story! I've come across this about 10 years ago.

        What a monster of a copier. =^..^=
        If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
        1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
        2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
        3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
        4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
        5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

        blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


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          Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

          Very interesting...that's worse than the "yellow dot" spyware on color lasers.

          I don't necessarily agree with what they did in principle but I suppose all is fair in love and war and hopefully it saved lives.

          I wonder if the Soviet Union banned Xerox from doing business in their country as a result of it.

          You'll find that a lot of companies have had their hands in wars and profited from them. A friend of mine who's really into foreign cars told me before that Porsche or Mercedes or both profited heavily from helping the Nazis out with technological advancements. So he always gets a chuckle when a Jewish person buys one of their vehicles, because if they only knew.


          • Tricky
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            Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

            Originally posted by blackcat4866

            What a monster of a copier. =^..^=
            Maybe a dragon ? apparently it could catch fire,

            Xerox 914 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            One disadvantage of the Xerox 914 was that it had a tendency to catch fire when overheated Ralph Nader claimed that a model in his office had caught fire three times in a four month period). Because of the problem, the Xerox company provided a "scorch eliminator", which was actually a small fire extinguisher, along with the copier.


            • igi
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              Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

              This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

              it would be if he didnot have to kill us
              after telling us his story


              • Tricky
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                Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

                Originally posted by igi
                This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...
                He's finished the machine and walking out the door when a voice from behind says "have you left this here?"


                • Shadow1
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                  Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

                  Risky, but back then photocopiers were considered magic - as long as it was dressed up to look like all the other wizardry inside the machine it would probably pass unnoticed.
                  73 DE W5SSJ


                  • kyrenecopy
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                    Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

                    Originally posted by Shadow1
                    Risky, but back then photocopiers were considered magic - as long as it was dressed up to look like all the other wizardry inside the machine it would probably pass unnoticed.
                    I don't know, from the picture I saw it looked a hell of a lot like a camera to me? Were the Russians that dumb or like everyone says just blinded by technology?
                    Testing 1-2-3, testing, testing. Is this thing on?


                    • HenryT2
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                      Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

                      Originally posted by igi

                      it would be if he did not have to kill us
                      after telling us his story

                      OR ..... as I've also heard " If I told you, I would have to kill you ! SO .
                      Why don't I just give you a HINT and then beat the crap out of you ! "
                      "The Serenity Prayer" . . .
                      God grant me the serenity to accept stupid people , the courage to not waste my time and energy on them , and the wisdom to know that I cannot fix STUPID .


                      • Shadow1
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                        Re: This would be a copy guy with interesting tales...

                        I doubt they were that dumb, just not something they though of being a security threat. Nobody wanted to poke their fingers inside the monster. There's also the possibility they eventually discovered it and used it to feed us false information.
                        73 DE W5SSJ

