I was wondering if albums and maybe a hidden forum just for sponsored members.
The file size cap really slows me down sometimes and if we had albums we can upload the pics or files there and link to our threads?
Also having a hidden forum for sponsored members would be nice for maybe sharing firmware or manuals to other members who donate to this site and would be inaccessible to non paying members.
I was an admin to another v bulletin based forum for years and I know it's possible.
Anyway, that's my .02
Thanks for consideration.
The file size cap really slows me down sometimes and if we had albums we can upload the pics or files there and link to our threads?
Also having a hidden forum for sponsored members would be nice for maybe sharing firmware or manuals to other members who donate to this site and would be inaccessible to non paying members.
I was an admin to another v bulletin based forum for years and I know it's possible.
Anyway, that's my .02
Thanks for consideration.