Thanks, in advance, for any info.

Very interesting. thanks for sharing.
รวดเร็วก่อนใคร ระดับคุณภาพเรื่องฟุตบอล ได้ที่นี่ ฟุตบอลสด
HAVE YOU EVER WONDEREDwhy the number65,536 comes up so often? For example, why are there exactly 65,536 ports in the Windows operating system? Why are there exactly 65,536 vertical cells in Excel? Why is 16 bit color exactly 65,536 colors? Who decided this, or was it completely arbitrary? largest number that can be expressed by 2 eight-bit bytes of data. Therefore, if a programmer assigns 2 bytes to hold a given positive integer (whether that integer is a processor address in a supercomputer or a line on a spreadsheet) 65,236 will be as large as it can get. (At least with most older computer systems. The 32 and 64 bit systems may offer more choices for some things.) |
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