GDPR and vehicle tracking

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  • sx633
    • Sep 2011
    • 49

    GDPR and vehicle tracking

    Most UK or European techs will be aware of the strict new regulations coming into effect next week regarding personal data privacy. I was wondering how many out there are being snooped on by employers using trackers on their cars. Is everyone aware that even if the company think they have your consent to do this now, they have to, by law, re-request your consent to do so under GDPR. Don't take my word for it, just Google "GDPR employee vehicle tracking" and you will find hundreds of sites quoting the law. Not trying to stir up trouble (well a bit) but I think we, as service techs, have been getting the shitty end of the stick for too long now. Comments please ....
  • LNorris
    Senior Tech
    500+ Posts
    • Sep 2008
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    Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

    just curious, as im in the US, what privacy is being tracked? is it company vehicle? i didnt go google it, as it doesnt affect me directly


    • copier tech
      Field Supervisor
      5,000+ Posts
      • Jan 2014
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      Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

      Originally posted by LNorris
      just curious, as im in the US, what privacy is being tracked? is it company vehicle? i didnt go google it, as it doesnt affect me directly
      GDPR has nothing to do with vehicle tracking, GDPR is all about data sharing, as you know refer to the 110 page pdf your company will/has supplied you!
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      • sx633
        • Sep 2011
        • 49

        Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

        GDPR is all about your right to control personaly identifiable data collected about you. As I am the only person who drives my car any information regarding speed and whereabouts is personally identifying me. If the company are that interested in knowing what I do at the weekend then they are welcome as I have nothing to hide, however they still need to have my consent to do so. Where I do have a problem is when I get snotty emails from my manager threatening disciplinary action if I don't modify my driving style. Anyway the fact remains that they need your consent, and after 25th May they have to re request it. It's going to be a real big deal in Europe and some companies are going to be fined very heavily if they don't comply.


        • RachelPayne
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2021
          • 2

          Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

          I am an employer and I do track the cars. Let me explain why. I haven't done it in the beginning. When we opened the business, we've purchased three cars for our future sales managers. Of course we were paying the fuel for the ride. In their contract it was specified that they are allowed to use the car only for work purposes, which includes the road from home to the office. Analyzing the spending on fuel, I was pretty shocked, so in the beginning, we set the trackers without announcing it. We've discovered that the employees use the cars for personal purposes, spending also the fuel for that! Of course now they are aware about the trackers, but it is something absolutely mandatory. Anyway, now we have other problems with the cars, as they don't fit the new EU emissions rules. The fees are so high that I'd better let them in a scrap my car manchester service rather than keep using them. Maybe we will start renting the personal cars of the employees.


          • slimslob
            Site Contributor
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            • May 2013
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            Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

            As I see it, an employee does not need to directly track your movement. If you are driving a company provided vehicle, based on the usage contract they have you sign, they can require you to bring the vehicle in for regular odometer checks. If they own the vehicle, they have a right to know how much it is driven, but not exactly where it is driven. Just avoid getting parking tickets in places where you shouldn't be going to, like the brothel across town when you should be at a customer.

            For those in the USA, each state has its own regulations.


            • slimslob
              Site Contributor
              25,000+ Posts
              • May 2013
              • 34792

              Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

              Originally posted by RachelPayne
              I am an employer and I do track the cars. Let me explain why. I haven't done it in the beginning. When we opened the business, we've purchased three cars for our future sales managers. Of course we were paying the fuel for the ride. In their contract it was specified that they are allowed to use the car only for work purposes, which includes the road from home to the office. Analyzing the spending on fuel, I was pretty shocked, so in the beginning, we set the trackers without announcing it. We've discovered that the employees use the cars for personal purposes, spending also the fuel for that! Of course now they are aware about the trackers, but it is something absolutely mandatory. Anyway, now we have other problems with the cars, as they don't fit the new EU emissions rules. The fees are so high that I'd better let them in a scrap my car manchester service rather than keep using them. Maybe we will start renting the personal cars of the employees.
              You can require them to use their own vehicle and pay them according to distance they drive doing company business. The government will have recommend rates. If the amount paid exceeds the government quoted rate, they will need to pay taxes on the difference. If it is less they can claim the difference as a job related expense.


              • tsbservice
                Field tech
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                • May 2007
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                Re: GDPR and vehicle tracking

                Originally posted by RachelPayne
                I am an employer and I do track the cars. Let me explain why. I haven't done it in the beginning. When we opened the business, we've purchased three cars for our future sales managers. Of course we were paying the fuel for the ride. In their contract it was specified that they are allowed to use the car only for work purposes, which includes the road from home to the office. Analyzing the spending on fuel, I was pretty shocked, so in the beginning, we set the trackers without announcing it. We've discovered that the employees use the cars for personal purposes, spending also the fuel for that! Of course now they are aware about the trackers, but it is something absolutely mandatory. Anyway, now we have other problems with the cars, as they don't fit the new EU emissions rules. The fees are so high that I'd better let them in a scrap my car manchester service rather than keep using them. Maybe we will start renting the personal cars of the employees.
                Really? You posted on two old threads your insights including your who the f. knows where lead links.
                Go away.
                A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
                Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.

