Aurora Shredder

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    Aurora Shredder

    Help. the shredder motor runs but the \"wheels of teeth\" are not moving. Yes it got jammed. Who can I talk to i the forum for what I can do? How do I find a repair person? Thanks Tina Van Divier
  • 10871087
    Service Manager
    1,000+ Posts
    • Jan 2005
    • 1145

    Re:Aurora Shredder

    It sounds like the jam stripped a gear (wore all the teeth off of a place on the gear), this is the most common cause of death for small shredders. if you paid less the $150 for it, just go and buy a new one. If it cost you more then that you might be able to find an office equioment dealer to fix it for you. I looked for a manufacturers web site but couldn\'t find anything other then their home page from Tiwan.

    Good Luck.

