Folder monitoring software to OCR a PDF?

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  • Dave10
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Jul 2008
    • 198


    Folder monitoring software to OCR a PDF?

    Im looking into finding some software that can monitor a folder and OCR a pdf that is scanned into that folder. We get the paperport cd's with some of our machines but i personally havent had any expiereince with it and it just kind of looks cheesy to me. Any one have luck with any other software out there that can do this? Or does anyone use paperport alot and has more expierience with it?
  • copyman20
    Trusted Tech

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    • Feb 2008
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    have you tried eCopy Paperworks? owned by the people same people that own Paper Port, but a little different. I think you can get a 30 day trial ver.


    • sdrawkcab
      Confused & Bewildered

      250+ Posts
      • Jun 2009
      • 317

      Toshiba have a product called Re-Rite, easy to set up and use

      Toshiba - eBridge Rerite
      Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints


      • Vulkor
        Senior Tech

        500+ Posts
        • Jun 2009
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        Originally posted by sdrawkcab
        Toshiba have a product called Re-Rite, easy to set up and use

        Toshiba - eBridge Rerite
        Only Compatible with Toshiba MFP?


        • ApeosMan
          Trusted Tech

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          This can be done with OmniPage I believe via a workflow. Don't ask me how to do it though, as I've never tried it before. It would be advisable to put it on a server, as it will only slow down a normal client computer.

          OmniPage is made by the same company as PaperPort and eCopy PaperWorks.


          • blackcat4866
            Master Of The Obvious

            Site Contributor
            10,000+ Posts
            • Jul 2007
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            Take a look at Artsyl SimpleCapture 2.5
            They have two versions:
            A "lite" version that runs on one PC for one user or a network server version for a large number of users.

            It's very easy operate, and is a self-learning program. As you click through OCR'ed documents to gather specific pieces of metadata, the program registers your choices and will begin to prompt you with the next click. As accuracy improves you can put it on full automatic.

            Just a warning: don't go cheap on the server. You'll need some heavy duty processing power to move these documents along.

            Artsyl Technologies

            If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
            1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
            2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
            3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
            4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
            5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

            blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


            • sdrawkcab
              Confused & Bewildered

              250+ Posts
              • Jun 2009
              • 317

              Originally posted by Eugine
              Employee monitoring software is a means of employee monitoring, and allows company administrators to monitor and supervise all their employee computers from a central location. It is normally deployed over a business network and allows for easy centralized log viewing via one central networked PC.Buy Windows 7
              Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints


              • SwampYankee
                • Jul 2010
                • 20

                Huh, a tag reading spambot. That's a new one.


                • Dave10
                  Trusted Tech

                  100+ Posts
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 198

                  ive never had such an urge to go out and buy windows 7....thatll solve all my problems

