I've been having a situation with an IRADV 5030 I'm working on. Copies tilts kind of diagonally. I earlier worked on cleaning the laser units. I felt I might have caused the error whilst assembling them. So I removed and fix them again. As I tried reading the service manual I have not been able to find any adjustment that deals with an error like that.
Has anyone ever solved a kind of error like that?
Kindly share your suggestions out of your experiences.
I have attached copies of the output. The arrows show where the tilt occur. This appeared on copies made on landscape orientation. It is not so visible with portrait ones.
Thanks in advance!
I've been having a situation with an IRADV 5030 I'm working on. Copies tilts kind of diagonally. I earlier worked on cleaning the laser units. I felt I might have caused the error whilst assembling them. So I removed and fix them again. As I tried reading the service manual I have not been able to find any adjustment that deals with an error like that.
Has anyone ever solved a kind of error like that?
Kindly share your suggestions out of your experiences.
I have attached copies of the output. The arrows show where the tilt occur. This appeared on copies made on landscape orientation. It is not so visible with portrait ones.
Thanks in advance!