Strange issue with a machine giving 014C jam code. I've been to site 5 times, and I've seen it jam, but it would just stop jamming and run fine for a while and then it starts again to jam every 2 to 9 pages. The code says its a delay to pre-reg, Fixing Delivery, or delivery full sensors. every time that it jams the lead edge of the page is just come out of the fuser, and there is another page stuck at pickup.
I've changed pickup rollers, as a precaution and cleaned the the rest of them. Swapped photo interrupters to see if jam location changes. inspected paper path for defects but found none. machine is still low mileage, only 41000 on the clock.
Now i have picked it up and brought it to my workshop for thorough testing, and i've printed almost 1000 pages and not 1 jam? Any body have any ideas?
thanks for any help
I've changed pickup rollers, as a precaution and cleaned the the rest of them. Swapped photo interrupters to see if jam location changes. inspected paper path for defects but found none. machine is still low mileage, only 41000 on the clock.
Now i have picked it up and brought it to my workshop for thorough testing, and i've printed almost 1000 pages and not 1 jam? Any body have any ideas?
thanks for any help