Cause for repeating black spot?

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    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2020
    • 98


    Cause for repeating black spot?

    Hi All,

    I'm looking to get some input on what the cause for this repeating defect might be. It is a black spot that occurs about every 3 3/4" and they are in the direction of printing.

    We do print labels occasionally. One thought was that some sticky stuff got on the black drum. Another thought is that the black drum is shot and needs replacement. I don't have a replacement drum so I'm looking for a solution I can do with cleaning or some such easy handling.

    Any input would be welcome.


    (I tried, with no success to attach a photo. I'll leave it as a comment.)

    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2020
    • 98

    Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

    I'm having technical difficulties uploading this photo...

    I'll try from a different computer in a bit.


    • Phil B.
      Field Supervisor

      10,000+ Posts
      • Jul 2016
      • 22804

      Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

      Originally posted by
      Hi All,

      I'm looking to get some input on what the cause for this repeating defect might be. It is a black spot that occurs about every 3 3/4" and they are in the direction of printing.

      We do print labels occasionally. One thought was that some sticky stuff got on the black drum. Another thought is that the black drum is shot and needs replacement. I don't have a replacement drum so I'm looking for a solution I can do with cleaning or some such easy handling.

      Any input would be welcome.


      (I tried, with no success to attach a photo. I'll leave it as a comment.)

      re: repeating defect... there is a repetitive defect ruler in the service manual .. it measures in mm

      re: inability to load images found in the FAQ pages for the site:

      labels (even the suggested types ooze glue out and deposits them on rollers .. drums .. belts use IPA and a lint free cloth to clean it off,

      be nice to know the life countson service parts.

      are they using genuine oem toners and drums


      • blackcat4866
        Master Of The Obvious

        Site Contributor
        10,000+ Posts
        • Jul 2007
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        Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

        Try attaching a smaller sized file ... preferably less than 1MB.

        ... and it might help to know what model machine that you're referring to. 3 3/4" (or 96mm) is the typical circumference of an organic drum, depending on what model that you have. Can I assume that it's a color machine, since you specify the "black" drum? =^..^=
        If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
        1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
        2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
        3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
        4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
        5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

        blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


        • Phil B.
          Field Supervisor

          10,000+ Posts
          • Jul 2016
          • 22804

          Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

          Originally posted by
          I'm having technical difficulties uploading this photo...

          I'll try from a different computer in a bit.
          it's not the computer it's the SIZE of the file like BC said.


          • slimslob

            Site Contributor
            25,000+ Posts
            • May 2013
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            Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

            Try printing to a pdf, Microsoft Print to PDF driver, and then upload the PDF.


            • bsm2
              IT Manager

              25,000+ Posts
              • Feb 2008
              • 28758

              Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

              Roll the paper until the spots match and that's the size of the part that is causing the marks

              fuser roller drum etc.......

              Old school trick



                50+ Posts
                • Jun 2020
                • 98

                Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                Originally posted by Phil B.
                re: repeating defect... there is a repetitive defect ruler in the service manual .. it measures in mm

                re: inability to load images found in the FAQ pages for the site:

                labels (even the suggested types ooze glue out and deposits them on rollers .. drums .. belts use IPA and a lint free cloth to clean it off,

                be nice to know the life countson service parts.

                are they using genuine oem toners and drums
                Thanks Phil.

                I haven't found that repeating defect guide in the service manual. But knowing it is there is good, I'll keep looking. I've done a search on the PDF for repepating and for defect. I figured that would work, but no luck yet.

                Thanks for the advice on uploading images, I'll check that out.

                I checked out the drum last night and it is actually a wear mark / scratch. No amount of rubbing on the drum was taking it off. I could feel it in the drum surface.

                I didn't have time to check the counts, it was already really late when I was able to get to the machine and all concerned were in a hurry to do the absolute minimum and head out.

                Yes the drums and toner are for sure genuine, gotten direct from Canon.

                The plan is that I put in a new black drum tonight.



                  50+ Posts
                  • Jun 2020
                  • 98

                  Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                  Originally posted by blackcat4866
                  Try attaching a smaller sized file ... preferably less than 1MB.

                  ... and it might help to know what model machine that you're referring to. 3 3/4" (or 96mm) is the typical circumference of an organic drum, depending on what model that you have. Can I assume that it's a color machine, since you specify the "black" drum? =^..^=
                  Thanks. Will try uploading my photos in a minute, with a smaller file size.

                  The model is a Canon IR ADV DX 5760i with an inner finisher and a 2-cassette paper addition, making 4 paper cassettes.

                  Yes it's a color machine.

                  Good to know the circumference of a drum. Why do you say "organic drum"? Are there non-organic drums?



                    50+ Posts
                    • Jun 2020
                    • 98

                    Re: Cause for repeating black spot?



                    Hopefully I didn't reduce the images too much!


                    • Phil B.
                      Field Supervisor

                      10,000+ Posts
                      • Jul 2016
                      • 22804

                      Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                      Originally posted by
                      Thanks Phil.

                      I haven't found that repeating defect guide in the service manual. But knowing it is there is good, I'll keep looking. I've done a search on the PDF for repepating and for defect. I figured that would work, but no luck yet.

                      Thanks for the advice on uploading images, I'll check that out.

                      I checked out the drum last night and it is actually a wear mark / scratch. No amount of rubbing on the drum was taking it off. I could feel it in the drum surface.

                      I didn't have time to check the counts, it was already really late when I was able to get to the machine and all concerned were in a hurry to do the absolute minimum and head out.

                      Yes the drums and toner are for sure genuine, gotten direct from Canon.

                      The plan is that I put in a new black drum tonight.

                      ok if there is a mark on the drum, is it in the same spot as the defect on the page? YES replace the drum unit in question. Is the mark on the end of the drum out of paper path?



                        50+ Posts
                        • Jun 2020
                        • 98

                        Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                        Originally posted by bsm2
                        Roll the paper until the spots match and that's the size of the part that is causing the marks

                        fuser roller drum etc.......

                        Old school trick
                        Thanks. When I got inside the machine it was pretty obvious that it's the black drum. I'm getting a new one and will replace it, hopefully tonight. See photos that I just managed to upload.


                        • Phil B.
                          Field Supervisor

                          10,000+ Posts
                          • Jul 2016
                          • 22804

                          Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                          Originally posted by


                          Hopefully I didn't reduce the images too much!
                          yup replace the drum unit...

                          as far as the question about organic drums... yes there are several type of non organic drums.... they are usually in higher speed/production models that can go 600k - 1mil pages. selenium drums required 'polishing' with a special powder and they could produce a poison (arsenic?) in the sludge removed from the polishing procedure ... organic drum are more for the lower end machines.



                            50+ Posts
                            • Jun 2020
                            • 98

                            Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                            Originally posted by Phil B.
                            ok if there is a mark on the drum, is it in the same spot as the defect on the page? YES replace the drum unit in question. Is the mark on the end of the drum out of paper path?
                            Yes the mark on the drum matches up with the location on the paper (on the edge of the sheet) so that pretty much confirms the drum and that wear spot/scratch on it is causing the print defect.

                            Luckily if I rotate the paper so it is LTR-R, the spot is then out of the paper path and prints look good. That's the temporary work-around for this.



                              50+ Posts
                              • Jun 2020
                              • 98

                              Re: Cause for repeating black spot?

                              Originally posted by Phil B.
                              yup replace the drum unit...

                              as far as the question about organic drums... yes there are several type of non organic drums.... they are usually in higher speed/production models that can go 600k - 1mil pages. selenium drums required 'polishing' with a special powder and they could produce a poison (arsenic?) in the sludge removed from the polishing procedure ... organic drum are more for the lower end machines.
                              Wow, I had no idea there were such advanced (dangerous?) drums. Glad to know we have organic drums.

