very odd one, I'm a copier engineer and its rare we get calls to printers but we look at them every now and again, arrived today after a previous engineer ordered a print head for the above machine, new print head installed by customer for CQ issues, now when printing from a win 8 work station local from driver (test page) or a CAD drawing it places an entire purple background on the page, and many other drawings dont print at all (plain page feeds out)
i have updated the firmware and tried latest drivers from canon website to no avail, and oddly, added my laptop via usb (win 7 32bit) and i cant fault it. everything i print from my laptop is fine.
suspect its something to do with his win 8 pc but after deleting all setups and adding new driver fault remains. any suggestions? cheers guys
P.S - i also ran through the print head replacement procedure to ensure it was setup correctly, but with it working off my laptop i assume this is now not a printer issue but either software or a setting somewhere
i have updated the firmware and tried latest drivers from canon website to no avail, and oddly, added my laptop via usb (win 7 32bit) and i cant fault it. everything i print from my laptop is fine.
suspect its something to do with his win 8 pc but after deleting all setups and adding new driver fault remains. any suggestions? cheers guys
P.S - i also ran through the print head replacement procedure to ensure it was setup correctly, but with it working off my laptop i assume this is now not a printer issue but either software or a setting somewhere