Difference in print quality

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  • Max
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Oct 2011
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    Difference in print quality

    Morning all. I have a PDF file that has a solid band which is supposed to be very dark red but when I print it via Apple mac the solids are more pink/red than the very dark red the customer expects. Now if I save the picture on to usb and print it out by plugging it directly to the copier the solid band comes out correct. I have initialised and calibrated the copier but it made no difference. I get the same results on different copier and PC. Im guessing it has something to do with the driver on apple and PC and the way PDF its being processed and passed on to the copier. Unfortunately I dont have an Apple mac in the office so cant play around with the driver. Since its the same issue as PC perhaps a common setting I missed???
  • Synthohol
    Certified Konica Expert

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    Re: Difference in print quality

    what application?
    adobe 10 is troublesome, try printing with foxit pdf reader.
    its free and works brilliantly.
    We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
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    • Blizzoo
      Senior Tech

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      Re: Difference in print quality

      Not sure if this applies to MAC devices but had some similar issues on different copier machine were print quality not as it should be when printing PDF's from Windows using Adobe, the fix in my case was a setting to the PDF document in Advanced->Color management->tick Let printer determine colors option and after the output was then ok. If this fails you can try to choose other options under Color Management and print.
      Defects are simple, our mind is complicated


      • Don N.
        Trusted Tech

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        Re: Difference in print quality

        Had an owner with Adobe Pro, but older version, like 8 or 9. Some of his colors were very rich & fuzzy, like overtoned. His secretary could print the same file on the same C252 printer with same driver using Adobe free reader ver. 10 and get better results. They both got different results with PCL driver vs. PS too. Also different results using Adobe vs. Foxit PDf or another, maybe PDF complete??? Most every program like word or Photoshop/Paintshop Pro gave different results. ALWAYS note the user/pc, program, driver/ver., software/ver. and be willing to compare PCL vs. PS, etc. Each have their strengths.


        • Phil B.
          Field Supervisor

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          Re: Difference in print quality

          Originally posted by Max
          Morning all. I have a PDF file that has a solid band which is supposed to be very dark red but when I print it via Apple mac the solids are more pink/red than the very dark red the customer expects. Now if I save the picture on to usb and print it out by plugging it directly to the copier the solid band comes out correct. I have initialised and calibrated the copier but it made no difference. I get the same results on different copier and PC. Im guessing it has something to do with the driver on apple and PC and the way PDF its being processed and passed on to the copier. Unfortunately I dont have an Apple mac in the office so cant play around with the driver. Since its the same issue as PC perhaps a common setting I missed???
          what machine? how old are drums ect? have they tried other programs to print it from?


          • mircea

            50+ Posts
            • Feb 2014
            • 70

            Re: Difference in print quality

            also you can check if in pdf under advanced tab for pint as image button if it's checked or not

