Looking for tips or step by step ways to setup these for scan to folder. With the 4 and 8 series units we never have issues setting them up for scanning but for some reason we have a lot of issues when we try to get these small machines to do the same.
Setting them up as network printers is always easy and uneventful.
Even installing the most recent sub and main firmware from the Konica website has not helped us with scan to folder issues on these units.
Hopefully , somebody can post a detailed reply as to what works for them with this (Konica/Lexmark) model. Thanks in advance.
Setting them up as network printers is always easy and uneventful.
Even installing the most recent sub and main firmware from the Konica website has not helped us with scan to folder issues on these units.
Hopefully , somebody can post a detailed reply as to what works for them with this (Konica/Lexmark) model. Thanks in advance.