Minolta EP-3170 problem

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  • reisman
    • Mar 2025


    Minolta EP-3170 problem

    I have an EP-3170 that has developed a white streak running vertically down an entire page (VOID). I have cleaned everything I can get to. The transfer corona wire is clean, the foam strip is also clean, and any excess toner I found was removed. The unit was really very clean. Obviously I am missing something, but if you could direct me how to clean whatever I need to, I am handy enough to probably take care of it. I do not have a repair manual, but I build computers and fix most everything else, so I think this is doable. Thanks in advance.
  • Rudi

    250+ Posts
    • Jun 2007
    • 251

    If you take out the image unit and remove the drum will see a magnetic roller wich is situated inside the dev unit (on the right side of the drum the as you remove the unit) , remove the metal cover and then remove the blade on top of the magnetic roller , you should see your void line right away , just pick of the dirt with your fingers. That machine is very old , like windows 95-98 old.


    • reisman

      Follow up

      Is this best gotten to from the front of the unit, or from the top - removing the glass and approaching it from above. I don't have a tech manual, but with a little jump start, I think I can figure it out. THANK YO FOR BEING SO KIND AS TO HELP ME. I bought this unit used, for home use, and it has always worked just fine, and we don't give it heavy use. The quality is great, and it is easy to take care of, up until this episdoe. If you can refer me to a tech / service manual, that would be great. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR KINDNESS. Mike


      • Sharanman
        • Dec 2009
        • 14

        what happens is the foam that is around the developer unit top cover starts to perish and can find itself in the dev unit behind the magnetic roller doctor blade, you can quite easily remove the unit out towards you and as has already been said, take out the drum and look to your right and check the brush and see if you can see a line down with no brush formed.


        • reisman

          Thanks a bunch - so helpful. I knew it would be some simple cleanup, and I am sure I can do this. I will go slow, methodical, and careful. Thanks so very much. Mike


          • Rudi

            250+ Posts
            • Jun 2007
            • 251

            Open the front door and look to the left and right of the toner bottle , you should see 2 bigger black screws that looks different to the others and can only be loosend and not removed , loosen them both and the whole unit will slide out when pulled towards you.


            • reisman


              Are these the screws? See attached pictures with arrows pointing them out. Hopefully they are inserted ok.
              Attached Files


              • Rudi

                250+ Posts
                • Jun 2007
                • 251

                Yes that is correct.

