big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

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  • shawn Xia
    Xerox & Kinolta
    • Oct 2009
    • 25

    big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

    the test pattern is 53,density setting is 80.the copy is showed as belowtest1.jpg

    see the outside,it is different with other is hard to express,the outside of the copy is like swept by something.
    I change the drum,developer,developing unit,charging unit,transfer unit and clean the black laser unit,no change!

    any suggestion?
    Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech
  • albasoul06

    change Interface cable

    The internal test patterns are stored on the Image Process Board

    Try depleting toner, if needed, from the suspected unit by running halftones of test pattern 53, density of 255 (leaving toner hopper unit open so it will not add toner). Check if the TCR value rises, achieving a value of 130.


    • Stirton.M
      All things Konica Minolta

      1,000+ Posts
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      It is really hard to tell what the issue you are having with that image. Aside from some slight uneven density, I do not see what you refer to as swept...

      Outside I assume you mean front side of the machine, inside is the backside of the machine?

      Is that the whole page, or just a section of it? And is the blemish seen on the right side a part of the problem?

      Some other things to check, since you eliminated pretty much the entire process unit.

      Clean the slit glass assemblies for each colour.

      The second transfer roller, inspect the unit. If you did a PM, did you replace the roller and discharge/neutralizing unit? Further to the 2nd transfer roller, the copper grounding tab on the front side of the roller, ensure that the little button that makes contact with the steel shaft of the 2nd transfer roller is clean and oxidize free. Use a little emery paper if needed.

      Also on the 2nd transfer frame, a black mylar can be seen on the paper guide just before the roller, running the length of that guide. If the the mylar is damaged, that is, it is splitting along the middle where it meets the metal of the guide, it should be replaced. In severe situations, it can brush against the underside of the transfer belt and smudge the image before it is transferred to the paper stock.

      It is possible there is an issue with the first transfer roller for black, though I doubt this. Inspect anyway, just in case.

      Inspect the fusing unit for problems. Obviously of course, if the other colours are fine, the fusing unit is not the issue. But then again...

      And lastly, the colour registration assembly, inspect it. Pay attention to the front and rear sensor windows...sometimes toner dust can get inside these and cloud up the plastic window. This is likely not where your problem is, but as I said, from the image, it is hard to see what your actual problem as described is.
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      ---Groucho Marx

      Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
      I will not answer requests or questions there.
      Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


      • shawn Xia
        Xerox & Kinolta
        • Oct 2009
        • 25

        to albasoul06:thank you for your post. I think Interface cable is ok.because the problem is obvious when I print 53 test pattern.So I think there is some problems in the engine not DFE or Interface Cable.

        I replace the black developer unit with Cyan(from the same machine and the cyan color hasn't problem),no change.It means that the developer unit and developer is no problem.
        Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech


        • shawn Xia
          Xerox & Kinolta
          • Oct 2009
          • 25

          To Stirton.M: You are warmhearted,and thank you so much for your long post. I think I have not expressed the problem clearly and the scaning image is not clearly too.but please check it carefully,you will find the difference with the bottom and middle part of the copy.

          I print 53 test pattern by A3 PAPER.the scaning image is just the left part of the A3 paper.Do you notice the bottom of the copy is not as smooth as the other part(especially the middle part),it problem just like lacking of developer.Have you seen the problem of lacking of developer?the image is not solid.

          the 1st BTR of black is ok.because I change the whole transfer belt unit.No change
          Actually,I print 58 test pattern and desity setting is 80,only the black has the problem,cyan and magenta is ok.

          Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech


          • mrwho
            Major Asshole!

            Site Contributor
            2,500+ Posts
            • Apr 2009
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            There was some old problem related to uneven density related to the drum positioning - The print would either be lighter on one side and darker on the other, or lighter/darker in the middle in relation to the extremities. Is that what you're talking about?

            Check the following attachment - it is quite old and I ignore if there's a better solution nowadays, but it's here nevertheless.
            Attached Files
            ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

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            I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


            • shawn Xia
              Xerox & Kinolta
              • Oct 2009
              • 25


              thank you mrwho. I understand what you say,and do it according to your post. but the result is not santisfy.
              see the change of the front of the copy.
              I havn't the writing unit ,so the test hasn't done yet.
              Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech


              • shawn Xia
                Xerox & Kinolta
                • Oct 2009
                • 25

                the 52 pattern is like below52pattern.jpg
                Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech


                • HORSE
                  Trusted Tech

                  100+ Posts
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 186

                  Check the Corona wire in the Charge unit is sitting correctly.


                  • shawn Xia
                    Xerox & Kinolta
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 25

                    I hop it is,but it's not.
                    Xerox & Konica Minolta Tech


                    • inutelkamo
                      Trusted Tech

                      100+ Posts
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 143

                      Re: big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

                      Hey men...

                      what is the status of this problem?

                      check mine.. i guess i have the same problem.. but mine is a bit different, check the files.. dont mind the dirt on the scanners flatbed.
                      paper is kromkote 210gsm, test pattern 53 at 155 value.the left side of the image is the leading edge and the left side is the trailing edge.
                      Maybe if you guys ever encounter this, it would be a great help..

                      btw, black has new dev unit, dev, drum and charge, new intermediate Unit, new 2nd transfer roller.
                      Attached Files


                      • DigiMan
                        Trusted Tech

                        Site Contributor
                        250+ Posts
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 262

                        Re: big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

                        Originally posted by shawn Xia
                        the test pattern is 53,density setting is 80.the copy is showed as below[ATTACH=CONFIG]7504[/ATTACH]

                        see the outside,it is different with other is hard to express,the outside of the copy is like swept by something.
                        I change the drum,developer,developing unit,charging unit,transfer unit and clean the black laser unit,no change!

                        any suggestion?
                        Did you check the lower transfer roller on the transfer belt?
                        Had a similar problem once where the bearing on the inside wasn't spinning correctly and was causing a similar problem.
                        Plus if i remember correctly theres a screw there in which you can adjust his pressure on front to back(could be mistaken about this though).

                        EDIT:Just saw you said you changed the whole transfer belt unit?If so scrap my post.
                        I don't like the new copier I just bought. It says "put face down" but every time I do it, it blinds my eyes.


                        • Ahnou123

                          Re: big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

                          just follow mrwho. try to adjust the distant between drum cartridge and charge unit. Will solve ur problem


                          • methogod
                            Senior Tech

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                            Re: big problem of Konica Minolta C6500

                            did you close the flip tab on the black developer unit after adding new developer at PM?...
                            did you take the red screws out of the black drum?....

                            i take it that all other colors but black are printing fine, that eliminates just about everything else....

