C253 scan to SMB problems

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  • mmowry


    C253 scan to SMB problems

    My c253 prints but does not scan to SMB. It was working just fine but we changed modems, thanks to ATT changing our service, to a Motorola NVG510. Nothing worked. ATT made some internal changes and the internet worked. I changed the IP address to manual and the printer worked. Scan to SMB did not. I spoke with a KM tech and they told me how to put in the default gateway and gave me some phone numbers for a local tech. Worked just fine until another ATT tech came out and unplugged the modem and unhooked all the cables. Hooked them back up and left saying he did not work on networks. Left a message for the local KM tech but no return call yet so the scanner is down for the weekend. Can someone help me with the settings so I can get to back to work? Ping from computer to c253 works. Ping from c253 to computer works. Can scan to adddress box. Cannot scan to SMB. Message is "server connection error". Cannot move files from address box to user box. I know it must be something simple, but what?

    When I read all the things this machine is supposed to do, I am frustrated that we can do very few of those things. We are signing up with KM support as soon as they call back on Monday as the only things we could ever do with this machine is copy, print, and we used to be able to scan to SMB. The company that sold us the machine has never set up anything else for us and we have had major problems in the past including the top paper feeder being set incorrectly so we had multiple paper jams if we did not hand feed sheets in one at a time, inability to print thick paper through the multi purpose tray, a ruined roller due to shipping packing not being completely removed, etc. We have wasted reams of paper that had either been jammed or smeared with ink, which we were charged for. The machine has been down for weeks at a time waiting for them to call back, show up or get parts even though we had a service contract. It has never done anything more than a $200 machine at Staples does; it just does it a little faster. We found that out because we had to go buy a printer from Staples while this one was down for over a month. The company is now owned by Xerox so the incentive to help is even less, hence the change to a different company for help. Wish we had known sooner that there was a Konica Minolta tech nearby and that we could get a new service contract. I hope that once they come out that everything will work better and I will not feel like puching this machine over a cliff once again.