Friday ... 240 minutes of sheer head-scratching delight.
Eject Stopper 1.JPGEject Stopper 2.JPG
Clearly the manufacturer never imagined that someone would try to replace the eject belt.
A few quick tips:
1) The eject drive is timed in three places. Position the eject stopper at the top of the stacker tray. Using a paint pen or nail polish make timing dots a) where the belt aligns with the timing pulley, b) where the gear/timing flag 102T meets gear 18T, c) and where the metal actuator in the eject drive aligns with the frame (see pix).
2) Any time you come across painted screws, scribe the brackets and/or position of the screws, so you can restore the original position. This is vastly easier then trying to figuring out how to do every adjustment. When reassembling re-paint the appropriate screws.
3) Take some pix of the routing of the wire harness. A skipped/wrong loom can make the harness 15mm too short by the time you get to the end.
timing marks 1.JPGtiming marks 2.JPGtiming marks 3.JPGtiming marks 4.JPG
I took some notes. If you're going to do the task maybe the notes will help. Request by PM. =^..^=
Eject Stopper 1.JPGEject Stopper 2.JPG
Clearly the manufacturer never imagined that someone would try to replace the eject belt.
A few quick tips:
1) The eject drive is timed in three places. Position the eject stopper at the top of the stacker tray. Using a paint pen or nail polish make timing dots a) where the belt aligns with the timing pulley, b) where the gear/timing flag 102T meets gear 18T, c) and where the metal actuator in the eject drive aligns with the frame (see pix).
2) Any time you come across painted screws, scribe the brackets and/or position of the screws, so you can restore the original position. This is vastly easier then trying to figuring out how to do every adjustment. When reassembling re-paint the appropriate screws.
3) Take some pix of the routing of the wire harness. A skipped/wrong loom can make the harness 15mm too short by the time you get to the end.
timing marks 1.JPGtiming marks 2.JPGtiming marks 3.JPGtiming marks 4.JPG
I took some notes. If you're going to do the task maybe the notes will help. Request by PM. =^..^=