HDD Drives

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  • Geo
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Nov 2010
    • 660

    HDD Drives

    Greeting all

    Has anyone tried and been successful in formatting and re-purposing HDD for DOS based computers..If yes , how , please provide details .

    Thanks much....
  • Ropariva
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Mar 2016
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    Re: HDD Drives

    Originally posted by Geo
    Greeting all

    Has anyone tried and been successful in formatting and re-purposing HDD for DOS based computers..If yes , how , please provide details .

    Thanks much....
    Yes. They are just plain Jane HDDs


    • Ctl-Alt-Del
      Trusted Tech

      Site Contributor
      250+ Posts
      • Jul 2006
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      Re: HDD Drives

      Originally posted by Ropariva
      Yes. They are just plain Jane HDDs
      They almost always format fine but tend to be on the smaller side so I usually don't have a need for them.


      • mincopier
        Trusted Tech

        250+ Posts
        • Dec 2015
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        Re: HDD Drives

        As mentioned they are usually standard HDD's and can be formatted on a PC for use in a PC or Mac. Also as mentioned depending on the age of the copier they tend to be on the smaller side. I have acquired a couple terabyte HDD's that would not work in a copier but are fine in a computer. Even a 320Gb or 500Gb drive is not bad to use for backup for files on a computer.


        • Geo
          Senior Tech

          500+ Posts
          • Nov 2010
          • 660

          Re: HDD Drives

          Originally posted by Ctl-Alt-Del
          They almost always format fine but tend to be on the smaller side so I usually don't have a need for them.
          Well I have a bunch of 250 gig and I can put them to use and my frugal (cheap) side doesn't/cant want to throw them out. As for formatting, just use an external reader and do what type of format?



          • NeoMatrix
            Senior Tech.

            2,500+ Posts
            • Nov 2010
            • 3514

            Re: HDD Drives

            Here's a batch file to Wipe clean any old working HDD.
            This does a factory reset of the HDD back to an UNINITIALISED drive.

            I wrote this in a hurry this morning, I haven't fully tested it on an old HDD.
            Some one may like to test the below batch file on an old drive.

            Cut and paste the below to a text file named "CleanHDD.bat"

            -----------------------------------8<------ -----------------------------------------
            echo off
            rem Hard Disk Drive Clean. Reset HDD to Factory Uninitialized.
            Rem Useage: CleanHDD /Secure = factory clean.
            rem Author NeoMatrix, www.copytechnet.com
            rem Date:5-12-18 Ver1.0
            Set "ErrorFlag="
            set "Star="
            for /L %%S in (1,1,49) do set Star=!Star!*
            set "Line="
            for /L %%S in (1,1,80) do set Line=!Line!-
            set "Param="
            if /i "%1"=="/Secure" set Param="All"

            rem -------- Main flow ------
            Call :Header
            Call :HDD_Info
            Call :SelectDisk DiskNo
            Call :Prompt Action
            Call :WipeHDD %Action% DiskNo Error
            Call :Footer %Error%
            goto End

            rem ---------- Header -----------
            echo **************** Hard Drive Clean ****************
            echo Usage: CleanHDD.bat [switch]
            echo Example : CleanHDD
            echo CleanHDD /Secure
            echo *** CleanHDD must be Run as administrator only.***
            echo %Star%
            exit /B

            rem ---------- HDD Information -----------
            (echo rescan
            echo list disk
            echo list vol) | diskpart
            wmic diskdrive list brief
            echo %Line%
            exit /b

            rem ---------- Select disk -----------
            :SelectDisk DiskNo
            set /p DiskNo="Select Disk, Enter number >"
            set %1=%DiskNo%
            rem (echo select disk %DiskNo%) | diskpart
            Exit /B

            rem ---------- Prompt -----------
            :Prompt Action DiskNo VolumeNo
            choice /C YNC /M "Totally Wipe Clean Disk:%DiskNo%"
            if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 set Action=Prompt
            if "%Action%"=="Prompt" (
            choice /C YNC /M "HDD clean CANNOT be recovered, continue..."
            if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 set %1=Wipe
            Exit /B

            rem ---------- Wipe HDD -----------
            :WipeHDD Action %DiskNO% Error
            if NOT "%1"=="Wipe" exit /B
            if /i %Param%=="All" (
            echo HDD Secure cleaning mode will take some time...

            rem -- CRITICAL SECTION --
            (echo sel disk %DiskNo%
            echo clean %Param% ) | diskpart

            rem diskpart fails to set errorlevels.
            set %3=%Errorlevel%
            exit /B

            rem ---------- Footer -----------
            :Footer Action
            echo Finished cleaning....
            echo %Line%
            echo HDD is now Wiped Clean.
            echo All HDD Partitions and Formatting removed.
            echo HHD is factory default UNINITIALIZED configuration.
            exit /B

            rem ---------- Exit-----------
            echo Hit any key to continue...
            >nul timeout /t 10
            -----------------------------------8<------ -----------------------------------------
            Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
            •••••• •••[§]• |N | € | o | M | Δ | t | π | ¡ | x | •[§]••• ••••••


            • NeoMatrix
              Senior Tech.

              2,500+ Posts
              • Nov 2010
              • 3514

              Re: HDD Drives

              Bug fix... sorry to those.
              I accidentally copy and past the debug 1.0 version of the batch file.
              The below updated version will reset USB thumb drives and /SD cards as well.

              --------------------------- 8<----------------------[Ver.1.1]-----------------
              echo off
              rem Hard Disk Drive Clean. Reset HDD to Factory Uninitialized.
              rem Useage: CleanHDD /Secure = factory clean.
              rem Author NeoMatrix, www.copytechnet.com
              rem Date:5-12-18 Ver1.1
              rem Secure Cleaning mode can take some time ,Example:
              rem A 2GB USB thumb drive and take 10-15min to clean securely.
              setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
              set "Line="
              for /L %%S in (1,1,30) do set Line=!Line!-
              set "Param="
              if /i "%1"=="/Secure" set Param=All
              set "T= "
              set "TTT= "
              set "Action="
              Set "Error="
              rem Set wait time here before total wipe.
              set /a CountDown=6
              rem -------- Main flow ------
              Call :Init Error
              If DEFINED Error goto End
              Call :Header
              Call :HDD_Info
              Call :SelectDisk DiskNo Error
              If DEFINED Error goto End
              Call :Prompt Action
              Call :WipeHDD %Action% %DiskNo% Error
              Call :Footer %Action% %DiskNo% %Error%
              goto End

              rem ---------- initialise -----------
              :Init Error
              set exepath=%comspec:cmd.exe=diskpart.exe%
              set "%1="
              If not Exist %exepath% (
              echo Microsoft diskpart.exe not found...
              set %1=1
              exit /b

              rem ---------- Header -----------
              echo -----------------[ Hard Drive Clean ]--------------------
              echo * Usage :CleanHDD.bat [switch] %TTT%*
              echo * Examples: %TTT%%TTT%*
              echo * %T%CleanHDD %TTT%%T%%T%*
              echo * %T%CleanHDD /Secure%TTT%%T%*
              echo * CleanHDD must be run as Administrator only.%T%%T%*
              echo * DO NOT add/remove USB drives while running CleanHDD %T%*
              echo * %T% Press Ctrl-C to Break. %TTT%*
              echo --------------------------------------[Ver 1.1]----------
              exit /B

              rem ---------- HDD Information -----------
              set "DeviceNo=0"
              ( echo rescan | diskpart ) | Findstr /b /v /i "Diskpart Copyright On computer"
              for /L %%i in (0,1,25) do (
              echo HDD Device :[%%i]
              (( echo select disk=%%i
              echo detail disk ) | diskpart | Findstr /L "Device Volume" ) || exit /b
              exit /b

              rem ---------- Select disk -----------
              :SelectDisk DiskNo Error
              echo End of drive search.
              echo ------ User Input -------------%Line%
              set /p Dn="Select HDD Device, Enter number >"
              set %1=%Dn%
              echo -------------------------------%Line%
              ((echo sel disk %Dn% ) | Diskpart) | (findstr /i /L "not valid") && set %2=2
              exit /B

              rem ---------- Prompt -----------
              :Prompt Action DiskNo
              choice /N /C YNC /M "Totally Wipe HDD Device:%DiskNo% Y/N/C? >"
              if not %ERRORLEVEL%==1 exit /b
              choice /N /C YNC /M "HDD Device:%DiskNo% CANNOT be recovered, continue...Y/N/C? >"
              if %ERRORLEVEL%==1 set %1=Wipe
              exit /B

              rem ---------- Wipe HDD -----------
              :WipeHDD Action DiskNO Error
              if NOT "%1"=="Wipe" exit /B

              if "%Param%"=="All" (
              echo HDD Secure cleaning mode can take some time...
              echo ...Ctrl-C to break...
              rem echo ...ready to Wipe drive %2.
              timeout /t %CountDown%

              rem -- CRITICAL SECTION --
              (( echo sel disk %DiskNo%
              echo clean %Param%
              ) | diskpart ) | Findstr /v /i "DISKPART> Copyright On computer"
              rem diskpart fails to set errorlevels.
              rem Error not used.
              set %3=%Errorlevel%
              exit /B

              rem ---------- Footer -----------
              :Footer Action DiskNo Error
              if not "%1"=="Wipe" exit /b
              echo %Line%%Line%
              if "%Param%"=="All" Echo Secured Cleaning Mode done...
              echo HDD Device:%DiskNo% should now be Wiped Clean.
              echo All HDD Partitions and Formatting removed.
              echo HHD set to factory default UNINITIALIZED configuration.
              exit /B

              rem ---------- Exit-----------
              echo Hit any key to exit...
              >nul timeout /t %CountDown%
              Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
              •••••• •••[§]• |N | € | o | M | Δ | t | π | ¡ | x | •[§]••• ••••••


              • NeoMatrix
                Senior Tech.

                2,500+ Posts
                • Nov 2010
                • 3514

                Re: HDD Drives

                Re. CleanHDD.bat file.
                If I get enough time and enthusiasm I may knock up another batch file to complement the CleanHDD.bat.
                The batch file will rebuild the partition tables and format the factory reset drive done by CleanHDD.

                The PartHDD.bat file should be able to do MSR EFI,GPT ,MBR,multiple partitions.
                Plus partition formatting file systems, FAT,FAT32,NTFS etc....
                It will do USB,SD-Card, HDD,SDD devices.

                I'll see how the enthusiasm pans out....
                Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
                •••••• •••[§]• |N | € | o | M | Δ | t | π | ¡ | x | •[§]••• ••••••


                • Geo
                  Senior Tech

                  500+ Posts
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 660

                  Re: HDD Drives

                  Thanks much for your impressive post and knowledge...Haven't time to try this, hopefully in the next week.

                  Thanks again

