TaskAlfa Fax System and DSL

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  • autopilot

    Site Contributor
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    TaskAlfa Fax System and DSL

    We have a number of these machines out but very few with fax boards, of the ones I have set up I've had little problem with but...

    Machine is a TaskAlfa 250ci, the fax board is connected to an Ethernet port in the wall where their current Samsung Fax Machine works without a problem. Setup is as follows:

    -Phoneline is patched into network
    -RJ45 to BT Adaptor (master)
    -Micro Filter splits to dsl router and fax machine

    The machine gets a dial tone, dials the number, you hear the squeal tone, the other fax rings and answers, then the Kyocera prints an error report saying "no response".

    Is there something configured wrong in the customers network? I've installed these before on DSL enabled lines before but they were stand alone and not patched through the network, assuming this is the problem is there anything I can do or try to make this work?

    *Machine works fine on same site at another network point.
    *Current Samsung Fax Machine works fine where the Taskalfa is having the problem.

  • CompyTech
    Super Tech

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    Is the machine able to receive faxes, just can't send? Sounds like maybe a configuration either in the machine or on the network somewhere. Faxing and network problems can be a joy to fix.


    • jmaister
      certified scrub

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      Since you can see the pots splitter/micro filter, likely its at the demarc(where inside line meets outside), so network issue is unlikely.

      I've made quite a few mistake connecting fax cards. Usually i stumble on plugging in the wrong sockets.

      The "phone" icon is for extension, the socket is for line. Simple enough but under stress mistake happens. Hopefully a simple fix will resolve your issue.

      Have you tried the "unhook" button? Is there a dial tone?
      Idling colour developers are not healthy developers.


      • lvsb

        50+ Posts
        • Aug 2008
        • 70

        Try to disable dial tone detection using Maint. Mode 660.


        • autopilot

          Site Contributor
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          Thanks for the replys!

          CompyTech: The receive light flashes and "receiving fax" message displays at the bottom of the touch screen but nothing prints out. Strangely enough though, in the midst of trying to get this working, swapping fax boards, getting test faxes sent from another fax in their office and from back in our own office, one did print out from one of their customers, it was suppose to be 2 pages but only 1 printed out, nothing worked before and nothing worked after.

          jmaister: the fax board is connected correctly, I've had the older Fax System Q in and the later Fax System S, both have the same problem and it's only at this one network point. OnHook, I get a dial tone, it dials the number and connects ok with the other fax then prints out the no response error. Re: the position of the fax, its plugged into a network port in the wall, the server is down stairs.

          lvsb: Have you had this solve a similar problem for you? I went through all of the sims and tried to basically drop the settings down to mimic the Samsung fax that is working on that line but no luck, can't remember if I disabled the dial tone detection or not. Its something I'll try when I'm back.

          I'm certain this is caused by the dsl being on the line or some configuration issue, I'm reasonably good at networking issues but when it comes to phone systems I'm a little in the dark. The server room is down the stairs so the line with dsl should come in there, rather than being split there the line seems to be patched to a port up the stairs where the fax is, this is then where the RJ45 to BT connection is, plugged into a microfilter and split to a wireless router that shares their internet out. (there was also a double adaptor on there for a franking machine but it was the first to go)


          • daveyball
            Trusted Tech

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            Personally I have never been keen on fax lines sharing DSL, have you tried just plugging the fax in to the adaptor, and nothing else, and also by-passing the router, also try another filter, this has sometimes worked for me, but as I say, I always reccomend a dedicated fax line, but I know this always possibel


            • CompyTech
              Super Tech

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              • Feb 2011
              • 706

              The reminds me of a problem i had at a small rural school here. They claim they had their fax plugged into an Ethernet switch. But there was no way that was possible. But what their problem was when the phone would ring the fax would pick up. They would actually unplug the fax to use the phone then would run over and plug it in when a fax would come. Initially i thought their distinctive ring was fouled. Turned out the solution was to set It to Manual RX for a while then I figured out what was going on with the Auto RX. I set the fax RX to 6 rings, if the phone rang 6x it would go to voicemail. If it was a fax ring then the fax ring would chirp 6x then would pick up. But I'm not so sure about your problem, does sound like network. I agree with the above poster about dedicated lines for fax tho. I hope you can get it resolved soon, I know how customers can be about these situations


              • jmaister
                certified scrub

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                All dsl is many encrypted high frequency riding on top of the 3khz voice line. Dsl itself is healthy.
                Idling colour developers are not healthy developers.


                • blackcat4866
                  Master Of The Obvious

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                  Just a side comment:
                  When you installed the fax system (Q), then the fax system (S), did you flash the firmware? Fax Sys Q uses different firmware files than Fax Sys S. Both sets of files are present in the Combined firmware, and only the suitable files are loaded. When you changed fax systems you needed to re-flash to load the appropriate fax firmware. I would be very surprised if it didn't error out for incorrect firmware.

                  Personally I would back up a few steps here, and get out a POTS handset. What happens when you dial out on the handset, to a fax, or to a phone? Does the connection complete and stay connected for at least 35 seconds?

                  You can experiment with the PSTN settings in simulation U660 but I don't think it will help you. The usual symptoms for an incorrect setting here are when the transmitting fax (you) never attempts to dial, because it does not detect the dial tone.

                  I would spend a few minutes with an analog VOM, and check the phone line voltages across the green and red wires (center two):
                  Desired readings: On Hook 52vdc & 90vac, Off Hook 12vdc, 0vac, Ringing 100-125vac alternating.
                  A handy tester can be made up. See this post: http://www.copytechnet.com/forums/ko...-question.html

                  Enjoy. =^..^=
                  If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                  1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                  2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                  3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                  4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                  5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                  blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                  • autopilot

                    Site Contributor
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                    • May 2011
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                    Re: TaskAlfa Fax System and DSL

                    Thanks for everyone's help, the "solution" in the end was getting the customer to use a dedicated fax line which fortunately enough they had been planning on for some time. tbh I would have preferred to get another opportunity to sort the problem out as it was but can't complain I guess.

                    Blackcat: I didn't flash the firmware ... just swapped the boards and didn't get any errors!?


                    • ignacio.cortez
                      Trusted Tech

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                      Re: TaskAlfa Fax System and DSL

                      It sounds to me like the line might have not been clean (noise) even if it was minimal, there are 2 things you can try, add a filter (if you havent done so already) and/or lowed the baud rate, sometimes that helps.

