Riso GR 3770 Drum Issue

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  • Murriso
    • Feb 2008
    • 12

    Riso GR 3770 Drum Issue

    Hi again, Looking for some more help from someone on an issue with one of my drums. There is ink leaking from the master which is going onto the backside of my copy. We don't have a dealer in the area, is there anyone that knows what I should do to correct this? I've tried to attach a photo so you can see what I'm writing about. I've tried making a new master several times with no luck.
    Thanks in advance again for your support.
  • Baphomet
    Copier Technician

    250+ Posts
    • Aug 2008
    • 293

    I cannot think of anything an end user would be able to do in order to correct that. You probably need to replace the screen and ink blocking sheet at minimum, but the doctor gap should be checked as well.


    • techathens

      50+ Posts
      • Feb 2008
      • 83

      you may want to reduce the squeegee pressure balance in the cylinder also.
      Salesout Pro


      • joelsa12
        Trusted Tech

        250+ Posts
        • Nov 2008
        • 261

        All Good Suggestions

        First of all does your client run a lot of NCR? I have see on lots of machines that the chemicals in the NCR will cause the middle of the pressure roller(big black roller under drum) to swell. It causes the exactly picture that you have sent in. Then I would check all the drum adjust ments. Good luck.


        • Murriso
          • Feb 2008
          • 12


          Hi Joesela,
          Sorry I'm not a tech I'm an end user in a city without any riso dealer/rep within 250 miles. What does NCR mean? Is this an in type, I was running compatible ink purchased from Address America or Fast Inks.... I had problems with their first shipment not working and this is replacement in they shipped to me...
          Thanks so much for your help


          • joelsa12
            Trusted Tech

            250+ Posts
            • Nov 2008
            • 261


            NCR Paper is also known as "Carbonless copy paper". It is the paper that there are parts to. Normally people run three part, a white, pink, and yellow sheet. When you write on the top sheet it transfers to the other two. I hope this has made it clear. Just check the big black roller in the middle of your machine. You will be able to see it once you take out the drum. It will be underneath where your drum was. Run your fingers along it and see if you can feel a bulge in the middle of the roller. If there is one, you will need to get a new pressure roller. Let me know how it goes.

