Can anyone remember the procedure for reseting fuser sc's on older b/w machines that didn't have the sp 5-810 reset code. Was on a Aficio 1515 today and I couldn't remember how to reset an sc 542 after doing a fuser repair. There is a sc/jam reset, but that does not seem to reset the fuser. I seem to remember holding down two buttons while switching on the machine, or something along those lines. Thanks.
Reset fuser sc code on pre 5-810
Re: Reset fuser sc code on pre 5-810
For the 1515, like most others, you just enter SP mode and power off/on
If it's not resetting, then you must have another problem.
From the manual:
Aficio 1515.pdfComment
Re: Reset fuser sc code on pre 5-810
Of course you must first repair what ever caused the service code.
One other little thing, if it codes while you are in service mode, you must exit service mode, cycle power, wait for the code to come back up and then enter service mode. Power off while still in service mode.Comment
Press the GREEN button!!Comment