Here's a weird one. I just received three service requests for three different machines at three different accounts that just today entered into an error state with the same SC code: SC 673. I am headed to the first one now but I found it strange that three machines that are in three different buildings 30 miles apart all have the same sc code. Anyone want to cue the X-Files theme?
Various 03 Models Sc673
Re: Various 03 Models Sc673
Just found out this was due to a firmware push on Ricoh's back end. It can be resolved by installing previous all package firmware. -
Re: Various 03 Models Sc673
I've honed in on the exact firmware that is causing the issue. They pushed non-SOP system/controller firmware to SOP machines. If you have this issue, check the versions I stalled. SOP machines should have v3.25 NOT v1.36.Comment
Re: Various 03 Models Sc673
I added one to your rep power, thanks for looking into it and alerting everyone.Comment
Re: Various 03 Models Sc673
Thanks. And, to clarify a point the system/copy firmware will not necessarily be at 3.25 or 1.36. However, if you have a machine exhibiting these issues and the system firmware is 1.xx you can bet your bottom dollar that Ricoh pushed the non-SOP system firmware to it.Comment