copier doesn't fuse the outer edges of copy for first couple of copies then does so; did it to me when I made copy after waking copier up. reasons??? everything I think of I would suspect the whole copy would be affected. Thanks!!!
aficio 1013
Re: aficio 1013
Which part did you check? Tried in SpMode (Feed or scanner)? -
Re: aficio 1013
This is a single lamp fusing unit, which there is not a separate lamp to heat the ends of the hot roller. If low power mode is set to level 3 the roller may not reach optimum temperature at the ends quickly enough. Also check fusing unit idling. If idling is off, hot roller will warn up quicker but heating may not be even and the pressure is not being heated. Idling is for when the first 1 or 2 pages are not fused completely.Comment
Re: aficio 1013
This is a single lamp fusing unit, which there is not a separate lamp to heat the ends of the hot roller. If low power mode is set to level 3 the roller may not reach optimum temperature at the ends quickly enough. Also check fusing unit idling. If idling is off, hot roller will warn up quicker but heating may not be even and the pressure is not being heated. Idling is for when the first 1 or 2 pages are not fused completely.