mpc 5503 jammed

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  • AMS

    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2017
    • 73

    mpc 5503 jammed

    I have a MPC 5503 that says there is a jam in C. The last logged code was in the finisher. There is no paper in it and all the sensors read good. I went ahead and replaced the interchange unit and no luck. I was on Ricoh's forum and a few people have the same issue. I called hytec and they suggested replacing a an transfer IO board. Or some board behind the power supply. That did not work either. Someone said they replaced the duplex switch what ever that is. I am guessing the interlock switch. They read fine on the in the sp mode to check them. Any suggestions? Thanks
  • slimslob

    Site Contributor
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    • May 2013
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    Re: mpc 5503 jammed

    First the Jam in C is a message for the operator to indicate where to start looking. As a technician you should be concerned with the jam number. Check the system SP for the last ten jam codes listed. The little push button switches used to detect open doors can crap out. If that happens while paper is running through, a jam at power on is generated. These will not be listed in the jam history. They will be counted in the location counts. Since it is required that all covers that need to be opened to remove a jam are seen by the controller as opened and closed in order to clear the jam, a fault switch could prevent the jam from being cleared. I have seen the door on trays 3&4 be out less than 1/8 inch at the back and prevent the jam indication from being cleared.


    • slot
      Trusted Tech

      250+ Posts
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      Re: mpc 5503 jammed

      we had a mpc2003 with a permanent jam caused by a broken wire to the sensor under the transfer roller in the door try metering back to the board


      • AMS

        50+ Posts
        • Jun 2017
        • 73

        Re: mpc 5503 jammed

        The jam code was in the finisher. Now all the jam codes are at power on. I read on Ricohs tech forum that other people have had this same issue. But nobody had a fix posted. I emailed the guy that had it to see what he did to fix it but have not heard back. I am leaning towards a broken wire. All the sensors check out OK and I replaced all of them to be on the safe side. All the door switches are ok. I went ahead and replaced the two interlock switches anyway. I replaced the little IO board behind the power supply per tech support but that did not work either. Just one of those weird ones. What sucks is I have had three blown boards the last two weeks. Ready for a vacation


        • copier tech
          Field Supervisor

          5,000+ Posts
          • Jan 2014
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          Re: mpc 5503 jammed

          If you check the jam code in SP mode (plotter jam history) it will point you to the exact sensor causing the issue.

          Then do an input check on the sensor to confirm might simply be dirty/dusty.
          If its in the finisher could be a hole punch blocking it.

          The fact you have a jam at power on you can’t have checked all sensors. You can disconnect the finisher & start a run to confirm the issue is 100% in the sorter.

          The key here is check the jam code history.
          Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!

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          • AMS

            50+ Posts
            • Jun 2017
            • 73

            Re: mpc 5503 jammed

            I did check the plotter jam history. The last one posted was in the finisher but all the new ones are at power on. I removed the finisher and bridge unit so that eliminated those. Just shows jam in C and J001. I know that doc feeder but the scanner still works fine. I pulled it in the shop so I can take a longer look at it.


            • slimslob

              Site Contributor
              25,000+ Posts
              • May 2013
              • 35063

              Re: mpc 5503 jammed

              Originally posted by AMS
              I did check the plotter jam history. The last one posted was in the finisher but all the new ones are at power on. I removed the finisher and bridge unit so that eliminated those. Just shows jam in C and J001. I know that doc feeder but the scanner still works fine. I pulled it in the shop so I can take a longer look at it.
              When and what was the last jam code for the finisher? If the jam indication was never actually cleared and you have now removed the component were the jam was, the jam is not going to clear without a complete memory clear, which is something that you absolutely do not want to do with a color machine. Replace the 2 cover switches on the bridge unit. Reinstall both the bridge unit and fusing unit. Turn back on and open and close both covers. If the jam indication clears, you can then trouble shoot the original jam code, which you have not shared with us so we can't help you. If it still indicates a jam, you need to use input checks to see what door switch does not change when you open and close the door.


              • AMS

                50+ Posts
                • Jun 2017
                • 73

                Re: mpc 5503 jammed

                Still no luck with fixing this. The last jam log posted was 154 or 153 I can remember exactly. Finisher horizontal path or something like that. I have checked all sensors and switches. I even replaced them. I swapped out finisher and bridge. Replaced Exit interchange unit. All the sensors on the duplex side even though that tested good in sp5803. I had another tech look at it just in case I was missing something. We changed both IO boards. the main IO board and the one behind the power supply. Next I will try another controller board. What is displayed in the screen is a jam in C with a j001. The doc feeder works fine. You can scan all day. All the sensors and switches read good in the sp mode check. I replaced the interlock switches and door switch. Both upper and lower . I will try firmware even though it has been updated about two months ago. I am not sure if it will let me with a jam code on. Its nice to have a challenging one but this one is beginning to suck. Some other techs have had this same issue but they did not post any fixes for it. On a different model a tech said replacing the interlock switch fixed his but not in my case. I pulled it into the shop and left a loaner. Only the third time I had to do that in 30 years servicing copiers. With all the time invested in it it might be better just to replace it and keep it as a junker.


                • slimslob

                  Site Contributor
                  25,000+ Posts
                  • May 2013
                  • 35063

                  Re: mpc 5503 jammed

                  Originally posted by AMS
                  Still no luck with fixing this. The last jam log posted was 154 or 153 I can remember exactly. Finisher horizontal path or something like that. I have checked all sensors and switches. I even replaced them. I swapped out finisher and bridge. Replaced Exit interchange unit. All the sensors on the duplex side even though that tested good in sp5803. I had another tech look at it just in case I was missing something. We changed both IO boards. the main IO board and the one behind the power supply. Next I will try another controller board. What is displayed in the screen is a jam in C with a j001. The doc feeder works fine. You can scan all day. All the sensors and switches read good in the sp mode check. I replaced the interlock switches and door switch. Both upper and lower . I will try firmware even though it has been updated about two months ago. I am not sure if it will let me with a jam code on. Its nice to have a challenging one but this one is beginning to suck. Some other techs have had this same issue but they did not post any fixes for it. On a different model a tech said replacing the interlock switch fixed his but not in my case. I pulled it into the shop and left a loaner. Only the third time I had to do that in 30 years servicing copiers. With all the time invested in it it might be better just to replace it and keep it as a junker.
                  Have you checked the location log to see if that is a late or a lag jam,I.e the lead edge was late reach the sensor or the trail edge lagged,was late leaving the sensor.

                  Static testing of jam sensors is seldom effective as it does not test the sensor delay. A sensor may appear good on a static test but fail dynamicly.


                  • AMS

                    50+ Posts
                    • Jun 2017
                    • 73

                    Re: mpc 5503 jammed

                    Its finally fixed.. The problem was the BICU type H board. The little one that attaches to the BICU. After I changed that it threw up an SC202 so I changed the poly motor and it finally ran a copy and no more C jam. Now to put the machine all back together. I swapped so many boards around. Its a good way to end the week.


                    • copier tech
                      Field Supervisor

                      5,000+ Posts
                      • Jan 2014
                      • 7931

                      Re: mpc 5503 jammed

                      Originally posted by AMS
                      Its finally fixed.. The problem was the BICU type H board. The little one that attaches to the BICU. After I changed that it threw up an SC202 so I changed the poly motor and it finally ran a copy and no more C jam. Now to put the machine all back together. I swapped so many boards around. Its a good way to end the week.

                      All these parts for a simple jam 🤔

                      Sounds to me like it was just a loose connector.
                      Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!

                      For all your firmware & service manual needs please visit us at:



                      • slimslob

                        Site Contributor
                        25,000+ Posts
                        • May 2013
                        • 35063

                        Re: mpc 5503 jammed

                        Originally posted by AMS
                        Its finally fixed.. The problem was the BICU type H board. The little one that attaches to the BICU. After I changed that it threw up an SC202 so I changed the poly motor and it finally ran a copy and no more C jam. Now to put the machine all back together. I swapped so many boards around. Its a good way to end the week.
                        The initial problem most likely was the polygon mirror motor. A failed polygon motor can take the BICU. Any time you have a BICU fail, replace the polygon at the same time.

