The customer removed a jam yesterday and it will not clear. The jam is j001. It shows at position 24, which is inverter. There is no obstruction there. When you go to input check, the sensor shows no paper there. I spent an hour on the phone with Ricoh, they seemed stumped. Ended up telling me to replace the sensor. On the way home I called hytec. The guy there made more sense. If the sensor actuates properly, the jam hasn't been electronically cleared. He said he gets boards from Ricohs that will not clear a jam, he puts them in his machine and clears the jam. He said sometime you have to clear it by opening certain doors and closing them together. Has anyone had an issue similar to this. I don't think it's a bad sensor. I did not think to check if the door actuators were working as I was focused on the jam.
MP6055, jam won't clear
Re: MP6055, jam won't clear
The customer removed a jam yesterday and it will not clear. The jam is j001. It shows at position 24, which is inverter. There is no obstruction there. When you go to input check, the sensor shows no paper there. I spent an hour on the phone with Ricoh, they seemed stumped. Ended up telling me to replace the sensor. On the way home I called hytec. The guy there made more sense. If the sensor actuates properly, the jam hasn't been electronically cleared. He said he gets boards from Ricohs that will not clear a jam, he puts them in his machine and clears the jam. He said sometime you have to clear it by opening certain doors and closing them together. Has anyone had an issue similar to this. I don't think it's a bad sensor. I did not think to check if the door actuators were working as I was focused on the jam.
Close them starting with the side doors first and the front cover last. -
The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen HawkingComment
Re: MP6055, jam won't clear
Our MPC4503 in Service Reception had broken part of the housing for the white door latches.
It would close enough to not affect CQ but when you tried to open it to clear a jam it was getting stuck or not closing fully when the duplex door was closed and every now and then jams wouldn't reset.
We swapped a transfer door from a doner machine and it came was only when we took the door off that we found the plastic had snapped off.
The transfer door on an MP6055 is almost identical.Comment
Re: MP6055, jam won't clear
To close this thread. I powered down and opened all the doors, powered up and closed the doors and still had the jam. I went into the sensor check and saw that the transfer unit was not showing open when I opened it. I found a can of air with about 2 blast in it, cleaned the photocell, powered down, opeded doors and this time the jam cleared. Thanks for the responses. By the way, Hytec gives really good tech support on most brands.The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen HawkingComment
Re: MP6055, jam won't clear
Just to take this one step further, a bad doorswitch that won't show open won't let the jam clear. It's pretty common on the Toshibas that had the Sharp 73 photointerrupters. Just unplugging the PI for a second will clear the logic-lock condition and restore function (until the next time it happens). =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=Comment