I have a MPC3503 that will send and receive faxes ok but won't print them out, There is no forwarding set just print all faxes but all rx faxes simply go into memory and the fax received light comes on. I can purge the jobs in fax SP mode but that just prints a copy they stays in memory. I can print any reports okay, journal etc and there are no locked trays or paper types set. I reinitialised the fax module which deleted the existing jobs but the next rx fax went back into memory again. I initialised the fax application memory clear, no change so I replaced the fax module for an initialised unit and the same thing happens. I've printed a fax parameter list so I can see nothing has changed from default but will now move onto the copier boards to see if that changes anything. There are no other issues other than faxes going into memory.
Can anyone offer a suggestion? Cheers
Can anyone offer a suggestion? Cheers