What would cause a line on the drum? I've replaced the drum blade with no success and I've taken a drum unit from another 1013 and get the same problem with it. Is this just strictly a drum unit problem or could something else in the copier be causing this problem? If you open the side door on the copier and look at the drum unit you will see that the line is on the left side of the drum, or close to the front door. Any help appreciated, thank you.
Ricoh 1013
Do you rebuild 1013 PCU's? Might be the charge roller's had it.It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.Comment
Ricoh 1013
I know this sounds really stupid, but we fought with one doing the same thing. We called Ricoh and they said "dont laugh" its the ground on the paper tray. We adjusted the metal grounding tab on the back of the tray and the line went away for good. I know it sounds stupid, but give it a try.Comment
I know this sounds really stupid, but we fought with one doing the same thing. We called Ricoh and they said "dont laugh" its the ground on the paper tray. We adjusted the metal grounding tab on the back of the tray and the line went away for good. I know it sounds stupid, but give it a try.Don't take that toner with me!Comment