Has anyone experienced problems with the developer severly dusting and clumping within 100K. The mag roller is coated dark and needs scubbing.
Not on the newer models so far, but it's early days.
The engine design and layout has not really changed that much for these 35/45ppm B&W models over the years.
So it does not suprise me that they still suffer from the same old problems like coating of dev roller under the carrier.- Knowledge not shared, is eventually knowledge that becomes lost... like tears in the rain.
Fully qualified technician for Ricoh - Canon - Sharp - HP - Brother - Knowledge not shared, is eventually knowledge that becomes lost... like tears in the rain.
Ah colour... yer the dev units can suffer from toner blasting and leak carrier under heavy use.
But there PM yield for dev units is lower than 100k (60k or 80k something like that).- Knowledge not shared, is eventually knowledge that becomes lost... like tears in the rain.
Fully qualified technician for Ricoh - Canon - Sharp - HP - BrotherComment
- Knowledge not shared, is eventually knowledge that becomes lost... like tears in the rain.