I have mastered win 7 pro smb , no prob, got the fix and all is well, but, i have to have the client hard wire his or her lap top when they are in the office, it will not connect using the wireless access.
does anybody have a fix or something in the wireless rtr that needs to be config? like firewall? but i can see the wrk grp, but not connect i get the "cant find path,check settings" msg..
Im thinking there is a wireless 128 enkrypt? or something that has to be configd?in the wireless rtr?
or is it at the laptop in the wireless prpties? cant find anything that points to a problem..
any help would be great
Thank you
does anybody have a fix or something in the wireless rtr that needs to be config? like firewall? but i can see the wrk grp, but not connect i get the "cant find path,check settings" msg..
Im thinking there is a wireless 128 enkrypt? or something that has to be configd?in the wireless rtr?
or is it at the laptop in the wireless prpties? cant find anything that points to a problem..
any help would be great
Thank you