Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

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  • Foo
    Trusted Tech

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    Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

    Just replaced a Aficio 1035 that had print net scan and fax. Everything worked as it should including the fax on the 1035.
    So I deliver the MP 2550 and a couple of days later the customer says that 2 or 3 of their customers incoming faxes
    are received funny. They constantly get 3 page 1's from each of these customers. All other in coming faxes seem fine.

    So 3 first pages...not 4 or 2 always 3, but only from the same 2 or 3 customers.
    And the 1035 I pulled out always received faxes fine.

    Ideas? ...customer is getting tired of it and frankly as much as I like a good mystery it's getting old and I'd like to figure it out.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!

    Jeff D.
    St. Louis
  • Jomama46
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    Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

    You get repeat pages when the fax believes it had too many errors.Either tell the offending customers to have their line cleaned up or you can turn off ECM.
    You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
    A+; Network +; PDI+


    • Foo
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      Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

      I turned off ECM and the problem continues.



      • mikadonovan
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        Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

        Decreasing the initial TX and RX speed seems to help some issues, and my customers can't tell the difference.


        • Foo
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          Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

          Where is that done...tech mode or User tools?



          • ucinn
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            Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

            Originally posted by mikadonovan
            Decreasing the initial TX and RX speed seems to help some issues, and my customers can't tell the difference.
            You can also try increasing the RX equalizer. These are all done in the Fax SP modes..bit switches.


            • Herrmann
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              Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

              try to set the country settings to "other", this will open the tolerance window as much as possible.
              BTW.: does your customer use VOIP?
              If sometimes you feel a little useless, offended and depressed always remember that you were once the fastest and most victorious sperm of hundreds of millions!


              • gaudin
                • Mar 2008
                • 39

                Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                maybe lower the tx/rx speed
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                • Foo
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                  Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                  All these settings being mentioned above seem like good ideas but are these in the User Settings / Tech Mode?
                  I have been working on Ricohs 10 years as an indy and this is the first fax issue other than line problems I've ever had, so I'm quite the rookie at it.

                  I have all the Ricoh Service Manuals thru the 20 series machines and just Intravia after that.
                  So a more detailed answer like switch and bit number would be appreciated...unless they are labeled in Tech Mode, then I can figure it out myself.
                  Are they "named" in Service mode or just numbers and I need a guide to find the right ones?

                  Thanks for the ideas, I have an hour drive to the customer so I'm trying to have my ducks in a row before I make the drive...thanks!

                  St. Louis MO


                  • mikadonovan
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                    Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                    Originally posted by Foo
                    Where is that done...tech mode or User tools?ThanksJeff
                    Service mode, fax, and they are bit switch settings. You really of need the manual.
                    NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING


                    • Masterchief
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                      Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                      or was he better to upload from the 1035 and download to the new machine... is it possible to look at the settings on the old 1035


                      • Foo
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                        Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                        I'm not sure if they still have the 1035 in the warehouse or not.
                        They had some crazy plans to use their small crane, pour gas on the copier...lift it in the air and shoot bottle rockets at it!

                        I haven't heard if that was done yet...LOL. At least I haven't seen it on the local news. You gotta love it!



                        • Jomama46
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                          Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                          Sounds like fun! I'd like to try it with some 1224's.
                          You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
                          A+; Network +; PDI+


                          • Foo
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                            Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

                            Ok I'm just back from a 2+ hour visit to this oh so fun machine.

                            Here's what I did this morning (all suggestions made in this thread)...
                            1.) Decreased the initial TX and RX speed in SP 1-105-004
                            2.) I increased the RX equalizer from "none" to "Medium" in SP 1-105
                            3.) I attempted to switch the country code to "other" but in my service manual "other" does not appear in the list and so I left it set to USA (17)
                            4.) ECM is turned off

                            I rebooted several times as I changed settings. All the while one of the problem fax customers is sending a 2 page fax. The machine was receiving the first page and would print it out but never printed the second page. The senders machine errored saying the fax was un-sent.
                            So the senders machine kept sending it 3-4 times. And always I received a first page but nothing more.

                            It was still receiving just the first page of the fax. And they never had a problem with the previous Ricoh 2045 receiving from this customer.


                            Changing these settings was a pain in my a$$. I had never even looked at these SW's, let alone figuring out how to change the right bit number.
                            And the manual is telling me one number -01 and that number accessed a different number...jeez I got it figured out but man there has to be a better way to handle this type of software altering...bit switches and hexidecimal numbers, really in 2012 we still don't have a better interface than this...LOL ok off my soap box.

                            Also to answer another question posed by someone...yes the customer is on a voip phone setup, as was the previous piece of equipment that was working just fine.

                            Any other ideas would be appreciated...thanks

                            Jeff in STL


                            • JustManuals
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                              Re: Odd MP 2550 Fax Issue

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