I have a machine that has started to trim the width of a copy by maybe a tenth of a inch. I have run through the gamut of 50-28 calibration and while that made it better, it's still taking some of the text off at the left and right edges. When the page is laid on the flatbed scanner and shifted to the left overlapping the plastic, it almost comes out fine. Along with the 50-28 crap, I have opened up the scanner to make sure nothing was particularly out of place etc, nothing there, I have checked trays to make sure nothing roller wise or sensor was out of place, nothing there, The fuser was recently replaced but I don't think that would affect it. Running out of ideas. Mad props to Blackcat4866 for the registration instructions, those have helped in a couple of situations already.
Sharp Mx-m363n trimming copy edges
Re: Sharp Mx-m363n trimming copy edges
Are you talking about the image voids? 2.5mm on every edge is about what I would expect. You can't get paper to pass the fuser consistently without voids.
And thanks about the registration adjustments. I haven't decided if it's just really bad translation, or that the image adjustments in the manual are written in gibberish. =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^= -
Re: Sharp Mx-m363n trimming copy edges
I need to get better about snagging copies of crap like this, get creative that way nothing is publicized about the customer and such. Recently I struggled with a job interview because of my "habit" of regarding customer's information as non-disclosed (they asked for three business references that I hadn't ever even been asked for before so of course I didn't have). But, the 2.5mm voids arent the problem. Its the maybe 0.5mm of the scanned image that is disappearing between the image and what's printed on both right and left sides. Maybe I should have focused more on leading and trailing edge instead of the "sides" as I was looking at them. As far as the 50-28 sim, I felt a little sheepish when a few months ago it is as I could tell referring to the cas1 etc as the trays. That sort of odd cross translation crap is why I have admittedly struggled with some of the manuals. Felt like I was back at Halliburton dealing with a million and one acronyms. Which is why I dig the "translation" you gave it Blackcat. I am going to feel really dumb if I take and rotate the orientation on the paper in the tray or some such and it gives me that extra 0.5mm I am looking for just cause. It's true what they say, it's all shits and giggles till someone giggles and shits.Comment
Re: Sharp Mx-m363n trimming copy edges
Update: Sim 48 had some weird settings 50, 63, 50, 76 and 50. Assuming that 50 is the default/middle ground I reset everything to 50 across the board. Looked better, until I reran the 50-28 simulations. That put it right back to being messed up where it was. Sim 50-10 has a whole list of weird numbers, going to try and upload that as well.
Dropbox - 2018-03-27 10.25.22.jpg
I am kind of wondering if I shouldn't try and put all the 50-10 settings back to default/middle ground and start over?Comment