I’ve got an MXB455w that is pulling a zeroconfig IP address, such as 169.xxx.xxx.xxx(zeroconf), whenever it is power cycled. It is set for static IP and wired only network. Can someone enlighten me on why and where it is receiving this. Is there a network service or protocol setting that needs to be disabled? It is in a small 2 person office, one has Windows7, the other Windows10. When the NIC pages are printed the first page shows the zeroconf IP, the second page shows the static IP. I must use the zeroconf IP to access the copier webpage.
MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
Re: MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
so if you set it up on DHCP it doesn't pick up an address?Comment
Re: MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
It will pick up an address with DHCP that is in the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx format. Once the copier is power cycled the address changes to the 169.xxx.xxx.xxx(zeroconf) format. For now I have disabled auto power shutoff and asked customer not to turn copier off as it is printing with the changes I made in the driver. After some research I believe it has to do with mDNS being enabled in the network service settings. I am going to disable it tomorrow and see what happens.Comment
Re: MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
It will pick up an address with DHCP that is in the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx format. Once the copier is power cycled the address changes to the 169.xxx.xxx.xxx(zeroconf) format. For now I have disabled auto power shutoff and asked customer not to turn copier off as it is printing with the changes I made in the driver. After some research I believe it has to do with mDNS being enabled in the network service settings. I am going to disable it tomorrow and see what happens.
Basically, whenever you restart, another device is getting your IP in the network. *NOTE* No, it does not matter that you have your machine as static, in fact, that may be the problem.**
Simply reserve your IP on the router. Some routers call it "IP allocation", others "DHCP Reservation". Whatever you want to call it, you want to RESERVE the IP address to the MAC address of the printer. If you need help doing this, contact their IT. Or any computer tech worth their salt should be able to do this simple task, in less than a minute.
Good luck.Comment
Re: MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
Disabling mDNS in the network service settings solved my problem. I attached the NIC pages. I don't think I did a very good job of explaining what was going on. Thanks for all the replies.Attached FilesComment
Re: MXB455w pulling zeroconf IP address
It will pick up an address with DHCP that is in the 192.xxx.xxx.xxx format. Once the copier is power cycled the address changes to the 169.xxx.xxx.xxx(zeroconf) format. For now I have disabled auto power shutoff and asked customer not to turn copier off as it is printing with the changes I made in the driver. After some research I believe it has to do with mDNS being enabled in the network service settings. I am going to disable it tomorrow and see what happens.
if it keeps dropping the addy.. you might have their IT folks look into it.Comment