MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

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  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
    • 1455

    MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

    Have an MX4501 that recently started locking on on the 2nd job, doesn't matter if it is a copy or print job. Job sits in the queue and the only way to clear it is to totally power down the unit. I've re-seated the memory chips and ROMs updated firmware and tested HDD R/W. Currently formatting the HDD. I know this is an older machine but wondering if anyone has come across this problem before or has any suggestions for me.

    Thank you for your time and effort in this matter.

  • ntbann
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Jan 2012
    • 613

    Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

    Try logging into web page and clearing job log.


    • bilyahn
      Service Manager

      1,000+ Posts
      • Dec 2006
      • 1455

      Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

      Originally posted by ntbann
      Try logging into web page and clearing job log.
      Thank you for the quick response. No joy with the job log deletion or HDD format.

      Also performed a sim 66-10 and 67-17 memory clears but no luck there either.



      • ntbann
        Senior Tech

        500+ Posts
        • Jan 2012
        • 613

        Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

        Maybe a corrupt dimm? Have you tried firmware?


        • blackcat4866
          Master Of The Obvious

          Site Contributor
          10,000+ Posts
          • Jul 2007
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          Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

          Originally posted by ntbann
          Maybe a corrupt dimm? Have you tried firmware?
          That was my thought too. I've had to change page memory back in my Sharp days.

          That shows how old it is: I was trained on that one. =^..^=
          If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
          1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
          2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
          3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
          4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
          5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

          blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


          • bilyahn
            Service Manager

            1,000+ Posts
            • Dec 2006
            • 1455

            Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

            I swapped the 512Mb dimms slots but couldn't do anything with the 256. That was my thinking also, hope we have some at the shop. LOL

            Thank you for the suggestions. Funny thing is we are removing this unit from service in the near future but issue needs to be resolved.

            ntbann did the firmware

            blackcat this was my first color machine school! 14 or 15 years ago LOL Good machine, we still have 2 under contract....



            • blackcat4866
              Master Of The Obvious

              Site Contributor
              10,000+ Posts
              • Jul 2007
              • 22703

              Re: MX4501 locks up on 2nd job

              Originally posted by bilyahn
              ... blackcat this was my first color machine school! 14 or 15 years ago LOL Good machine, we still have 2 under contract....

              Is it really that old? I still have the harnass adapter somewhere for setting up the HVT voltages. We sold quite a lot of these. =^..^=
              If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
              1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
              2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
              3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
              4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
              5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

              blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=

