MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

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  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
    • 1457

    MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

    Going back to this one today. Installed about a month ago then 2 weeks ago it gets an F2-78 PCS sensor error. Unit had toner all over the rear side of the drum and transfer roller. Cleaned everything, checked transfer roller connectors, updated the ROMs and calibrated. Yesterday call comes in about dark copies. I am taking another transfer unit and will check the ribbon cable more closely this time but wondering if anyone has seen something like this. (I'm making a guess that the calls are related since I have not seen the current problem

    Thank you for your time and effort in this matter.


    PS Charge unit was covered in toner on rear side at last call also. I am also taking a DV unit and drum unit. Had no problem during the initial install with calibration so wondering if I am looking in the wrong direction with xfer roller. Could it be something as simple as a bad DV unit????
  • GridSquid
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2020
    • 9

    Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies


    May be a little late, but there is a service bulletin for this; MFP-TB-1567. They added a protective sheet to keep toner off the sensor.



    • bilyahn
      Service Manager

      1,000+ Posts
      • Dec 2006
      • 1457

      Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

      Okay so far I have replaced the following items

      Drum frame
      DV unit
      xfer roller

      Reseated and checked all connections, ROMs are current. Put it back together and everything looks promising. Calibrated just fine and there is no developer material or excess toner on the drum.



      • bilyahn
        Service Manager

        1,000+ Posts
        • Dec 2006
        • 1457

        Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

        Originally posted by GridSquid

        May be a little late, but there is a service bulletin for this; MFP-TB-1567. They added a protective sheet to keep toner off the sensor.

        I did see this TB and thought about installing the mylar. It's definitely something to consider but the sensor doesn't seem to be covered in toner at all.

        Thank you



        • GridSquid
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2020
          • 9

          Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

          It has been a good while since I saw that one instance. When I read the part of your post that said the sensor didnt have much toner on it, if at all, it jogged my memory. I remember thinking at the time that the protective sheet probably wouldnt resolve it because the sensor was the one part not covered with toner. That said, the problem didnt come back. more item on the long list of things I dont understand.


          • bilyahn
            Service Manager

            1,000+ Posts
            • Dec 2006
            • 1457

            Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

            Originally posted by GridSquid
            It has been a good while since I saw that one instance. When I read the part of your post that said the sensor didnt have much toner on it, if at all, it jogged my memory. I remember thinking at the time that the protective sheet probably wouldn't resolve it because the sensor was the one part not covered with toner. That said, the problem didnt come back. more item on the long list of things I dont understand.
            Had the F2-78 error code on this unit twice and both times it was because of developer pulled out of the unit but the sensor itself was not covered, go figure. Funny thing was the images were still good in both instances just developed a band across the top of the copies/prints even though most of the developer material was pulled from the unit (not your typical light or splotchy copies). A lot of Sharp "fixes" have me scratching my head sometimes LOL they seem more like a shotgun blast in the dark instead of fixing the underlying problem IMHO....

            Have a great weekend. I will be going back to this machine early next week to see where we stand. I'm hoping it is resolved unit only has 15K.



            • GridSquid
              Junior Member
              • Apr 2020
              • 9

              Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

              Fingers crossed for you Bil. I cant for the life of me remember which of our customers had this F2-78. I have lost access to our system (eAutomate), so cant do any searches. Would love to follow up. Like most places, I'm sure, we spend our time putting out fires, and not much time in fire prevention.

              I share your head scratching at some of Sharp's bulletins.



              • xring1958
                Trusted Tech

                100+ Posts
                • Mar 2016
                • 166

                Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

                Bil Did you ever find the solution we have one doing this? Thanks


                • bilyahn
                  Service Manager

                  1,000+ Posts
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 1457

                  Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

                  Originally posted by xring1958
                  Bil Did you ever find the solution we have one doing this? Thanks
                  We replaced the entire drum unit and DV unit and put in new DV material all at the same time and this resolved the issue. Problem has not returned and they have almost 100K on it now. Haven't been able to test the old units in another machine so that is as close as I can get you. If I were to guess I'd say it was the DV unit but that's a 50-50-90 guess

                  Good luck.



                  • Dcopyman
                    • Apr 2020
                    • 34

                    Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

                    I've had same issue and pulling black developer out of dv unit. Replaced black drum frame per Sharp and it seemed to fix issue. Was averaging about 10k copies before pulling developer out. it's been 100k since with no issues


                    • mojorolla
                      The Wolf

                      2,500+ Posts
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 2555

                      Re: MXM5071 F2-78 and now dark copies

                      This generation of Sharps have a horrible design for the drum / dv motors. I have replaced dozens of these motors over the past 3 years or so. The lack of drive, mostly occurs on black, prohibits the dv unit from spinning, the toner feed tubes get backed up and the material gets sucked out. I believe F2 codes only happen when the toner reading is below 73 or above 225 (or something like that). The first thing I always do with these codes is run 25-1 for 10 seconds. The result will tell you if you are over or under toned.
                      My 2 cents..

                      Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!

