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Taking longer than normal to install Windows drivers
Anyone noticed this? Takes a few minutes for the printer to show in the devices window and then another minute or so while it says Device Setup in progress.... -
MXB467F firmware failure
We had a power outage right when i was updating an MXB467F and now it will not boot.
Is there a way to do an emergency FW update on these?...Last edited by boutn; 10-30-2023, 10:32 AM. -
Canon irc 3520 Dead
Hi any ideas welcome
I have a Canon irc adv 3520i that has blank screen and device dead apart from slep button constantly lit.
I have had... -
hi from sydney
thanks for letting me join your forum (altho an end user) have been running (lite) digital 'presses' since waving goodbye to offset 20+ years ago
... -
F300 error code: Err 99 9999 99:99
Looking at a F300 with that code. Seems to be only in fax mode. I thought maybe it was some sort of board/battery type problem.
I don't see... -
Aftermarket toners for Konica Minoltas
Wondering how those who are using these wonderful toners are managing?
For myself so far what I've used with black being the most I've put... -
Kids: Then and Now
Kids today: in their rooms playing games on their phones and checking TikTok.
... -
Stopped lurking
I found this gold mine several years ago, but now's the time to take it more seriously. -
In rembrance of those who died at Pearl Harbor 80 years ago
Greetings, and Help!
Hi, I work in DTP and have been using laserjets since the HPLJII.
Started in Hong Kong and now in Sydney, working from home. So looking after my...Last edited by AlanHK; 10-16-2021, 07:28 AM. -
Canon iR7105 Issues
So, I've been running this machine for the last five years and it has been one issue after another (I'm a user, not a tech). A few months ago, all four... -
Hello out there!
Hi everyone! I'm the lead printer with an in house print shop for a municipality in west Texas. I'm running Xerox's (leased) and a Xante (owned), along...