recently acquired a Sharp MX-C304W from an auction. Machine is in great condition and works just fine.
The problem is that there is no one left to ask what the admin password is as the company is dissolved.
I need to change the network settings as these are absolutely unsuitale for my network configuration.
Tried the usual Sim 24-30, but the 30 is refused with the double beep, so i assume it's actually not there
instead of simply hidden. Neither 30 nor 31 is listed in the 24 sub-menu.
I also tried all the switches on the mainboard in different combinations, no luck, reset just won't work
and none od the switch combination enables the desired sim mode.
Service login works just fine with standard service password, but no way to change network settings
I am not a Sharp Tech and my epertise lies more in the old and heavy stuff where toner came in bottles
and service modes were enabled with jumper wires instead of punching magic numbers on touch screens.
Tried to contact Sharp, but (politely speaking) they are not exactly helpful.
Any help would be much appreciated.
cheers, Mike
recently acquired a Sharp MX-C304W from an auction. Machine is in great condition and works just fine.
The problem is that there is no one left to ask what the admin password is as the company is dissolved.
I need to change the network settings as these are absolutely unsuitale for my network configuration.
Tried the usual Sim 24-30, but the 30 is refused with the double beep, so i assume it's actually not there
instead of simply hidden. Neither 30 nor 31 is listed in the 24 sub-menu.
I also tried all the switches on the mainboard in different combinations, no luck, reset just won't work
and none od the switch combination enables the desired sim mode.
Service login works just fine with standard service password, but no way to change network settings
I am not a Sharp Tech and my epertise lies more in the old and heavy stuff where toner came in bottles
and service modes were enabled with jumper wires instead of punching magic numbers on touch screens.
Tried to contact Sharp, but (politely speaking) they are not exactly helpful.
Any help would be much appreciated.
cheers, Mike