Well, Deadish.. MX-2700N Not Successfully Booting

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  • mangoitpro
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2021
    • 3


    [Dead] Well, Deadish.. MX-2700N Not Successfully Booting

    Hello All,

    *NOT (YET) A copier Tech...

    I've recently acquired what was supposed to be a working Sharp MX-2700N. I don't know if it was working prior to transporting the unit to my base of operations, as I was too silly to check it before I hit the road. I guess the price tag of $Free caused me to cast aside my usual mental checklist. Anyway...

    1. Doesn't boot to a display screen.
    2. Upon powering, small red LED aside the "PCU Flash ROM PWB" on the control board.
    3. Flashing red LED I can see in the lower feed tray assembly.
    4. After about a minute, machine appears to power on with fans whirring away, but nothing on the control screen.
    5. Solid green light on the power key, but unresponsive, otherwise.

    So far I have reseated the DIMMs from positions 2,3, and 4 on the MFP control PWB and I have removed the optional facsimile module. None of this has done me any good. I've found a service manual online and have been studying it.

    I hate seeing good equipment go to waste, and I certainly would get good use from this machine, so if any of you can even remember one of these old battlewagons, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

  • copiertec
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    Re: Well, Deadish.. MX-2700N Not Successfully Booting

    It's most likely the hdd. You will have to replace the hdd and load firmware after installation. That being said this machine is roughly 15 years old, if you were successful at raising it from the dead you are looking at $$$ for this old color machine, the foam for the drum units are most likely rotted, mylars for the developing units cracked, old developer that most likely needs to be replaced and of course the notorious flat spots in the fuser rollers, However, this is just an educated guess on my part.


    • Prints Charming
      Trusted Tech

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      Re: Well, Deadish.. MX-2700N Not Successfully Booting

      DIMM 2 - 512Mb Memory Module becoming faulty is the primary cause for no boot, fans start operating after 30-60 seconds, and usually a warm (not hot) fuser unit.
      I vaguely remember this model had 2x 512Mb and 1x 256Mb modules. Swap the 2x 512Mb modules around. As long as the system memory in DIMM 2 is OK, the firmware can unpack from the flashrom and the device can continue boot process.
      I've seen this before. The faulty module will then cause corrupt copy/scan images or very slow printing, even if it passes memory r/w check. At least you've confirmed the problem.
      Definitely could be HDD, but I've seen this several times and it was always memory.

      But I agree with copiertec, have fun with all those consumables that must be well past their life.


      • mangoitpro
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2021
        • 3

        Re: Well, Deadish.. MX-2700N Not Successfully Booting

        Thanks for the replies. I'll have a go with the RAM swap. I understand the thing is a museum piece, but if I can get it fired up without spending anything on it, I'll gladly run it into the ground from there. It certainly won't see a high volume from here. Cheers, D.

