Just sold and installed a MX-4501N and customer wanted me to install scanning software on server. Customer setup temp user on server with admin rights for me to use so I could install the printer drive, sharpdesk, and network scan tool. Install went ok tested good until I logged off my temp user. is there a way I can keep the network scan tool running when i log off? I have installed sharpdesk and network scan tool on other servers with no issues. Sharp Tech support wanted me to uninstall sharpdesk and network scan tool and setup a FTP server on their server. The problem with that is that i have never done this and do not know how. Any help and or direction will be helpful.
Sharp MX-4501N scanning trouble
Tags: 4501, 4501n, address book, credentials, ftp server, mx-4501, mx4501n, ops, scanner, scanning, sharp, sharp mx-4501, sold, tested, trouble
The problem here might be that whilst the program might be installed properly the main user does not have it set to start with windows. The program wont be present and the Sharp wont be able to find where to send its files.
Simple things first, I think it could be solved by telling the user to put the NST in their Autostart folder... that should automatically launch it when the server boots or he logs his username in.Since the creation of the internet, the rotation of Earth has been powered by English teachers spinning in their graves. -
I have tried to change the network scan tool credentials so it would run when the computer booted but I was unable to because the sharp network scan tool is not a service it is just a program. When i logon to the server the network scan tool automaticly opens as it should but when i log off the network scan tool also stops.Comment
The program starts the service. Always has for me. Unless it would be restricted by security policies...
EDIT: Wait, do you want it to run without any user being logged in? It wont work that way I am afraid. However, unless you need OCR scanning SMB would do the job just as well, and without any needed software... the Jupiter-Series is capable of doing that.Since the creation of the internet, the rotation of Earth has been powered by English teachers spinning in their graves.Comment
It's just scanning to a shared folder. Create the scan folder on the server, share it. Then log into the MX go to address book & type the path of the share it'll be something like \\Servername\Scanfolder. That's the UNC name. To make sure you can browse to it, type that name in the run command line & it should pull it up.Comment
Just dont forget to allow full access for "everyone" on said folder. Also, it would be wise to create a new user which is only used by the machine to log in for SMB scanning rather than using an existing one which might be subject to password changing.
It isnt fun to have customers complain that their machine just stopped working and they didnt do anything... whilst they DID change the password which is associated with SMB scanning.
As far as reliability is concerned: If you avoid the pitfall of changing passwords it is an excellent, stable and very easy way to realize scanning. It also saves quite some time since Sharpdesk / NST take a lot of time to install, especially on multiple clients.
I have customers who use SMB for years now and there have never been any problemsSince the creation of the internet, the rotation of Earth has been powered by English teachers spinning in their graves.Comment