ARM355U/455U w/o ARP20

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  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
    • 1457

    ARM355U/455U w/o ARP20

    Do not have the network print controller ARP20 or 21(?) installed on this machine. Just the standard controller that comes with the U version. Has a parallel and USB port on the back but when I attempt to connect to these ports they do not show up on my computer running XP. Is there something I am missing or do I have to have the ARP20/21 controller installed to print. And if that is the case how do I update the ROMs on a U version? (I hope you are not going to say the old ARM350 way)!!!!!

    Thank you in advance for any information on this subject!

  • tmaged
    Owner/Service Manager

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    Sharp got smart & disabled the print ports on the 355 & 455. We sold a bunch of 350's & 450's with a $50 print server to make it a network printer. So did everyone else. The ports are only active for doing firmware updates, same as the U version Dragons. When you flip the dipswitches on the controller board to do the firmware update, that's when they become active. If you want it to print, you'll have to shell out the $500 or whatever the P20 is.
    Hope that helps !
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    • bilyahn
      Service Manager

      1,000+ Posts
      • Dec 2006
      • 1457

      Thank you for the information. That is what my boss feared. The print controllers are very expensive from Sharp. I will let him know the bad news.

      Thank you for the response.



      • lky1978
        Trusted Tech

        250+ Posts
        • Mar 2009
        • 475

        the ar-p20 come with boot rom dimm , main rom dimm and network server card.u still cant use the network feature in ur ar-m355u without the authorised product key.

