Have 5132 sharp that would not adjust to 210 in sim 44sub2 44sub3 will get to the standard 210. cleaned sensor in lower process unit gained one volt max 178 which is not an acceptable voltage copies are poor.carried drum and process unit to customers machine same problem.carried customer drum an prcess unit to my machine and wollow(copies copies copies. ok bad drum and drum sensor right? Carried cus-drum unit back an did the normae 44-2 44-3 voltage is210 on vr-2 an vr-3 powered off an back on and unit went into ready.when i made 5-8copier they were sad
to sadder.It acted as if the drum was in shock, drum cb was not cleaning copies grey with background removed dv unit drum is clean.what do you thank is happening. Help Help
Andy H Adjusting pots are good
to sadder.It acted as if the drum was in shock, drum cb was not cleaning copies grey with background removed dv unit drum is clean.what do you thank is happening. Help Help
Andy H Adjusting pots are good