I took over a problem machine that a coworker said that he used canned air to clean sensors, then the rdf died. I went in and checked power to the rdf board, relaced the board, checked switches for power off/on, still no action(no lights, no motors). Any ideas? Thanks
AR810 no rdf power
Do you have a 'Call Service' message on the display? If so, press Clear & 8 keys at the same time to reveal the trouble code. From memory, a doc feeder error code starts with C....
If you need the info on service codes & test sims for this series, let me know.
Damn, I hate this model! -
If this is the Toshiba rebadge then check the voltage input to the adf pwb for 5.1 volts not 5.0. If not 5.1 then the pwb does not always function. Also check the cable from the adf to the scanner as I have seen these get pinchedand unplugged.And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right!Comment