Here's the configuration.
Two printer drivers are installed on our server for the same device. One I have named "Monotone" and the other I have named "colour". We have some print management software that allows us to monitor what goes through which driver, and we can then charge our users for it. We don't want to restrict usage, but monitor it with our server software, which monitors individual accounts and which printer driver they are using. In this way can we track coloutr and monotone printing, and charge accordingly. We have successfully used this configuration on our earlier RICOH C2500 for four years.
I am now trying to do the same with the Sharp MX2600. I have spent over two weeks with struggling with this problem and am now very frustrated, disappointed and angry. I am stuck with a 5 year contract and the Sharp dealers - OFFICE MANAGEMENT, don't seem interested in helping.
My first approach was to set the preferences for the Monotone driver as black and white, an the preferences for the colour printer as colour, and then use the NTFS security settings on the server to prevent domain users from changing these printer settings. Worked fine in the past. when we had a RICOH 2500, but with this Sharp, the machines uber-authentication system just overides everything. The user can change the default just by going in on the printer settings despite NTFS restrictions that are supposed to prevent them from doing that. So I abandoned the NTFS approach.
Instead I have I created one colour, and one black&white user account/group on the MX, and allocated each a pin number. I copied those pin numbers to the credentials of the respective drivers, on the server.
This works fine on the server, when printing out directly. You'd think the problem was all solved. The problem is that the domain clients aren't getting the PIN numbers, and I don't know why. We can't give publicise the pin numbers because the students will use the colour pin number on the black and white driver.
Finally, I tried using "Device Account Mode" on the MX. I created a special account to lock down every setting on the printer except black and white printing. This works, although the students can go in and play with the printuing preferences - these have no effect (also confusing).
But how do we allow our users to print out in colour, through the colour driver? There seems to be no way to get colour functions to work without loggin onto the colour account, and to do that it requires a PIN number.
Everything could be solved if only the PIN numbers could be automatically distibuted to the users.
Even though apparently the way to do this is to enter the PIN number in the job handling tab on the driver on the server, the clients aren't getting it. Instead, a pop-up comes up asking for the PIN number, and we're back to square 1.
Two printer drivers are installed on our server for the same device. One I have named "Monotone" and the other I have named "colour". We have some print management software that allows us to monitor what goes through which driver, and we can then charge our users for it. We don't want to restrict usage, but monitor it with our server software, which monitors individual accounts and which printer driver they are using. In this way can we track coloutr and monotone printing, and charge accordingly. We have successfully used this configuration on our earlier RICOH C2500 for four years.
I am now trying to do the same with the Sharp MX2600. I have spent over two weeks with struggling with this problem and am now very frustrated, disappointed and angry. I am stuck with a 5 year contract and the Sharp dealers - OFFICE MANAGEMENT, don't seem interested in helping.
My first approach was to set the preferences for the Monotone driver as black and white, an the preferences for the colour printer as colour, and then use the NTFS security settings on the server to prevent domain users from changing these printer settings. Worked fine in the past. when we had a RICOH 2500, but with this Sharp, the machines uber-authentication system just overides everything. The user can change the default just by going in on the printer settings despite NTFS restrictions that are supposed to prevent them from doing that. So I abandoned the NTFS approach.
Instead I have I created one colour, and one black&white user account/group on the MX, and allocated each a pin number. I copied those pin numbers to the credentials of the respective drivers, on the server.
This works fine on the server, when printing out directly. You'd think the problem was all solved. The problem is that the domain clients aren't getting the PIN numbers, and I don't know why. We can't give publicise the pin numbers because the students will use the colour pin number on the black and white driver.
Finally, I tried using "Device Account Mode" on the MX. I created a special account to lock down every setting on the printer except black and white printing. This works, although the students can go in and play with the printuing preferences - these have no effect (also confusing).
But how do we allow our users to print out in colour, through the colour driver? There seems to be no way to get colour functions to work without loggin onto the colour account, and to do that it requires a PIN number.
Everything could be solved if only the PIN numbers could be automatically distibuted to the users.
Even though apparently the way to do this is to enter the PIN number in the job handling tab on the driver on the server, the clients aren't getting it. Instead, a pop-up comes up asking for the PIN number, and we're back to square 1.