Sharp MXC311 fusers

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  • bncwhite

    Sharp MXC311 fusers

    Our dealership quit selling Sharps. Sharp cut us off from the IDNC website and we still have phone support with Sharp. We still have customers that have a 5 year service contract. Our current issue that cannot be solved is the L4-16 code.

    We searched this site for ideas and found the new part numbers for the pressure release lever, sensor flag, and spacer. We dont have access to TSBs in regards to this issue. Is there a more current TSB or newer part numbers to eliminate L4-16? I think I saw somewhere that Sharp redesigned the fusers and have new fuser kits for this issue. Is that correct? I would love to get my hands on some newer manuals and TSBs in regards to this issue.

    Can anyone help please!!!???
  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
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    There is nothing new on this model for the L4 code since last May with the pressure release mod. I know that there is a new fuser (entire assembly) out there. You might be better off buying a new one instead of trying to upgrade your existing one. We have always found this to be the best option when Sharp has fuser issues.

    Good luck.



    • bonnie750
      Trusted Tech

      250+ Posts
      • Nov 2007
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      the sensor flag will have snapped off. the new kit has hot and press rollers and belt assembly, though no flag, I reckon Bil has the right idea 'cos the fuser can be a little.........troublesome to rebuild on a bad day, just a pita on good one!



      • Jokakorn
        • Feb 2011
        • 15

        Not worth rebuilding those, my opinion, because the time it takes to rebuild it would cost more than the fuser itself along side the fact that the new fuser has the new flag that has snapped in yours along with a few other upgrades.

        Unfortunately Sharp made those pretty shysty and they get very brittle very fast. I despise those fusers...


        • mojorolla
          The Wolf

          2,500+ Posts
          • Jan 2010
          • 2555

          The new fuser unit part # is MX-C32FU1. Fewer issues with the newer design. As for rebuilding, you can get the kit,MX-C32HK, but this is done in the shop only.
          Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


          • JustManuals
            Field Supervisor

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            • Jan 2006
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            This Parts & Service manual can now be purchased for $12.77 and downloaded immediately after payment from



            • Akitu
              Legendary Frost Spec Tech

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              I don't believe there is a C32HK... Only C31HK. I could be wrong however, although I don't seem to be able to find it on either sharpnet or precisionroller...
              Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?


              • bdcrandall13
                Trusted Tech

                100+ Posts
                • Sep 2010
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                There is a MX-C32HK that comes with all parts to rebuild the unit. The fuser part # is MX-C32FU1.


                • Akitu
                  Legendary Frost Spec Tech

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                  • Oct 2010
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                  Yeah, I'm aware of the C32FU1, I just didn't know there was a C32HK, and I can't seem to find a trace of its existence on sharpnet or precisionroller... That's all, I said I could be wrong.
                  Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?


                  • bdcrandall13
                    Trusted Tech

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                    np. I just looked in the pricer and it's listed in there.


                    • mojorolla
                      The Wolf

                      2,500+ Posts
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 2555

                      Straight from the horses mouth...

                      Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


                      • Akitu
                        Legendary Frost Spec Tech

                        Site Contributor
                        2,500+ Posts
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 2596

                        Very well then, thanks for the info. I was searching for C32HK in the bulletins, dunno how I missed that.


                        And it's only Wednesday...
                        Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?


                        • Silvertoast
                          Trusted Tech

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                          • Feb 2010
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                          there is a gear in the back of the machine in the fuser drive section thatll break (cant see the break) and cause l4-16 section 24 item 49 in parts manual NGERH1975FCZZ, also i have seen the resist section warp and slide front to rear frame side causing the gears not to mesh section 22 item 501 CHLDZ2001FC31, and as stated above the fuser will lock up if it is the old style fuser.


                          • The Otrain

                            50+ Posts
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 54

                            Just a side note. Sharp has been replacing a lot of these fusers under warranty because of the issues. Might want to check into it.


                            • rayjeek
                              Trusted Tech

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                              • Jun 2010
                              • 239

                              I have had L4-16 last two weeks but mine was associated with screeching noise. The primary transfer cleaner blade flipped causing the fuser rollers to stop instantly damaging a gear in fuser drive unit. Just open the back cover, remove the fuser drive motor/metal plate/clutch to get access to the gear. It will be visible from there on, replace gear. As an additional fix I refurbished the fuser with MXC32HK and replaced primary transfer cleaner blade unit, both parts have been modified. Its been working good since. You can give a go. Good Luck

