I have frequent jam from the bypass (jam code mprd2_nm , mpfd2_sm), the paper path is the same as if it was from tray 2 except that there is never a jam from tray 2 , if someone have seen this prob please let me know
arm 550n bypass jam
Re: arm 550n bypass jam
Perchance is your customer feeding a special coated media, that might coat all the rollers from the bypass to the fuser? The jamming starts in the bypass, but with enough of this media fed it will start jamming all over the place. =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^= -
Re: arm 550n bypass jam
You may just have some paper dust coating the sensors in question. Try cleaning them off and see what your results are.
Also, these machines frequently get paper jammed behind the top 2 trays, take a look to see if there's any paper back there blocking the sensors (though typically you get the copier asking for paper in a fully loaded tray).Cthulhu for president! Why settle for the lesser evil?Comment
Re: arm 550n bypass jam
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Re: arm 550n bypass jam
So you want documentation? So here it is:
Misfeeds (jam code MPFD1_S, MPFD_NM) from the bypass, (jam code MPRD2_N2) from tray #2 only. Flipped corners and skews into the finisher tray. Premature fuser roller failure. Unsuitable coated media (specifically posters) are fed through the bypass, coating the tires and horizontal path rollers and damaging the fuser rollers. Clean bypass tires and horizontal path rollers. Rebuild fuser. Advise against use of coated paper.
This customer destroyed two fusers in less than one day. =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=Comment