Started off coming in for a service call and found that the Transfer Belt was leaving what looked like a V mark on the printed page running West to East. Not consistently. It was intermittent. Have seen this in the past - also had bans of lines - changed out the Primary Transfer Unit. Now I was getting Streaks. As if something was dragging. Looked at Drum Charges, changed all of them - cleared things a bit but still getting Lines. Because of the color of the lines (wider than what would happen if it were something coming from the glass causing a line. Because of the age of the Developer and thickness of the lines - updated first the Black then each one of the colors checking the page print. Things got better but still having line issue. 1/8th 1/4" kind.
Had to leave contact - late in the day and they had to get going. I have lines that are consistent every time copy. I changed out Black, Yellow Drum Units. Did not change out Secondary Transfer yet. I know that a Drum can cause strange things - Last week same Model with a line issue changed out Drum and cleared issue - but have not done as much to rectify a line problem and not been completely successful - any suggestions?
Had to leave contact - late in the day and they had to get going. I have lines that are consistent every time copy. I changed out Black, Yellow Drum Units. Did not change out Secondary Transfer yet. I know that a Drum can cause strange things - Last week same Model with a line issue changed out Drum and cleared issue - but have not done as much to rectify a line problem and not been completely successful - any suggestions?