? Sharp ARM450/ Imagistic 4510

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  • jpcopy
    Trusted Tech

    250+ Posts
    • Apr 2006
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    ? Sharp ARM450/ Imagistic 4510

    Imagistic 4510/ Sharp AR-M 450
    Why want the machine do saddlestitch one to one? I'm talking about when you have a 8 1/2 X 11 pamphlet(booklet) and run it thru the doc with saddlestitch selected and 2 sided selected in the direction of letter R and the letter R tray selected the machine either wants to enlarge or reduce the image. with saddlestitch off it works find. Neither the sharp or imagistic manuals tells if you can or can't do this but it seem to me that you should be able to. Am I missing a setting or is it that this machine just won't do one to one two sided saddlestitch. Does all other saddlestitch operations great Any help PLEASE
  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

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    • Dec 2006
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    When you select the saddle stitch/pamplet copy. on the screen there should be an auto image that shows up in the bottom right corner. If you highlite this it will automatically resize the image to the paper that is selected.


    • mkinkley

      Toshiba estudio 80-manuals

      1.I need the user manual and the technical maanual for the above copier.

      2.Also any tips on networking with the windows 2003 server. i have set ip adress but nertwork computers do not recognize (no response top ping)

      3. tips on scanning / scanning set up to send automatically to doc folder




      • jpcopy
        Trusted Tech

        250+ Posts
        • Apr 2006
        • 256

        you need to repost under new topic in copier forum


        • blackcat4866
          Master Of The Obvious

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          too smart for its own good

          I know this is confusing. I really bugged me at first.
          The 8 1/2 x 11 pamphet originals that you describe are probably (2) statement sized originals that are laid out 2-up. The copier wants its originals 1-up, so its seeing your 2-up statement as a 1-up Letter R and trying to reduce and rotate the image.
          Copiers these days are too damn smart for thier own good.
          You have a couple of choices here:
          1) You can cut up your original booklet into 1-up statement originals.
          2) You can scan your originals OC (off the glass) with page separation turned on, and original size set to statement.
          3) The easiest choice: just copy the pages duplex 100% and staple them yourself.
          If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
          1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
          2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
          3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
          4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
          5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

          blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


          • jpcopy
            Trusted Tech

            250+ Posts
            • Apr 2006
            • 256

            well, we just had to learn to sell around it. The toshiba 550/650 will do it, so we were just wondering why we couldn't get the sharp to do it. the sharp makes better photo than the toshiba.
            thanks for the reply

