I've bought a second-hand e-studio 520 from a friend of mine and it has a fusing problem .
The machine works perfectly fine. However, if you turn it on and leave it there for about 10-15 minutes, the copied papers will be fused very badly . Just after about 10-15 copies, the copier knows that the fuser roller temperature is not hot enough and it starts to heat it up. Then it works well again.
The copier does not show any error code, the fuser roller temperature code is also at it default ( 12 ). It seems like everything is fine.
It is not a serious problem to me, but it is quite annoying because whenenver i want to use it, i need to reboot the machine in order for it to be hot enough.
Do you have any ideas about the problem ? Is it the thermistor problem ?
( Before my friend sold me the copier, he changed the upper fuser roller and the SYS board of it,may it be also the cause of this ? )
P/s : Sorry, if my english does not make any sense to you, I am not a native speaking .
The machine works perfectly fine. However, if you turn it on and leave it there for about 10-15 minutes, the copied papers will be fused very badly . Just after about 10-15 copies, the copier knows that the fuser roller temperature is not hot enough and it starts to heat it up. Then it works well again.
The copier does not show any error code, the fuser roller temperature code is also at it default ( 12 ). It seems like everything is fine.
It is not a serious problem to me, but it is quite annoying because whenenver i want to use it, i need to reboot the machine in order for it to be hot enough.
Do you have any ideas about the problem ? Is it the thermistor problem ?
( Before my friend sold me the copier, he changed the upper fuser roller and the SYS board of it,may it be also the cause of this ? )
P/s : Sorry, if my english does not make any sense to you, I am not a native speaking .