We are trying to upgrade this customer but the drives need to be clean before the equipment goes back to the leasing company. As for the 550, I know we can format the big drive (copy data) which should clean it (??) but don't know if image data is stored in the controller HDD as well. I don't know if the 200L has one or two drives and am clueless as to how to clean it/them. Anyone been through this before?
eS-200L and 550 hard drive wipe
The leasing company doesn't care, so the request must be coming from the customer..08 690 will format the drive... this will remove any stored addresses, secure print jobs, and delete any files stored in the mailboxes. But, some of the data on the drive would still be recoverable by a professional hacker...put a new HDD in the MFP, and bill the customer 300-350 for the time, give them the orignal HDD and everyone should be happy. The E550 has an internal HDD, and also 1 in the GL 1020. EmujoIf you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals. -
Thanks. The GL-1020 drive is of concern to me since it may need to be operational and I think we need system software to make it work? Is this the same scenario for the drive in the 200L? I am assuming that machine only has one drive, and machine will still work after just replacing and formatting the drive?
I have a source for the HDD (550) but not the GL-1020 drive. Nor for the 200L. Any resources I might check?Comment
E202L Needs format and firmware reload after drive replacement
E550 MFP drive replace and 08/690
GL1020- Needs OS partition and OS recovery to function
PM me if you want to obtain any of the software/firmware. EmujoIf you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.Comment